"Fuck, why can't I stop!?"
I had been laying here rubbing my pussy, something I only have had for a few hours, and all I can think about is cock, not any cock, Trevor's. My mind races thinking of all the things he could do to me in this new body and I hate every scenario but my body is just so hot and horny at the thought. I haven't even cleaned his cum out of me, the closest I've gotten was absent-mindedly licking my finger to lube up my pussy. The taste of him still lingers on my tongue and it just makes me more horny.
That's when the phone rang. I was able to tear my attention away from my prison or pleasure just long enough to answer.
"OH MY GOD! YES, RIGHT THERE DADDY, oh, you answered, anyways." the call continued with numerous grunts moans and squeals of pleasure as Trevor was clearly fucking my fiancé while she called.
"Hi Alex, listen, daddy had a great idea! We can still be together." For a moment my heart skipped a beat. "You, me, and Daddy" my heart sank. "Daddy says that if you promise to be a good girl like me and let him use you any time he wants we can stay together! Isn't that great news?"
I hung up without dignifying such an outlandish proposal with a response. I could never submit to that man, certainly not sexually. I'd just have to move on and accept my new reality... just as soon as I cum this horniness away.
I hardly lasted a week. I couldn't rid myself of the constant arousal and deep down I knew why, it had to be him, he had to be the one to satisfy me. I knew it but I didn't want to believe it, I didn't want him to win but he already had and I just had to live with that. After those seven dreadful days I caved, I knew where he lived and I used that knowledge arriving to a horrifically similar sight.

Right in from of me was yet again the woman I loved pleasuring the man I hated. She hadn't even removed the lingerie she left in and there was a puddle of cum between her legs at the foot of the bed.
"Alex! Look slut, your man... woman has finally decided to join us!"
Sam couldn't tear herself away from his cock long enough to greet me.
"Well, I promise she's excited, any time my dick isn't in her mouth she talks about how she loved you. It's sweet to an extent. So, how about you get to work and get her pussy ready for round five of the day."
I winced at the thought, but my lust overwhelmed me, I was under her in an instant eagerly lapping up his cum from her sweet pussy, any hope of defiance was long gone. I was his now, his fuck toy, his plaything, his slut, anything he wanted or needed me to be, just so long as I got my fair share of his cock I was happy. In the end, I didn't get the happy ending with Sam I had always dreamed of, I instead got a life with her and an amazing cock satisfying us both, and whatever he had done to my mind made me love every second of it.
(I told you soon and I'm glad I was able to deliver on that. I hope not knowing the method of the transformation doesn't detract from the story for the reader, it doesn't to me and I hope that rings true with all of you aswell. That said if you'd rather know how the transformation occurs in future stories I can write that in in the future, just tell me, I just wanted to experiment with leaving it ambiguous. I think doing so helped me in writing this one since I didn't have to worry about the trap of coming up with something new or different which I fall for all too often. I know I don't have to make up something new but part of me feels like I do a lot of the time. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this little 2 parter and I'd love to know your thoughts on it. Whether you choose to indulge me with critique or not I hope you have a great day all the same! ^_^)