I was so thankful that I had John in this trying time. Recently my life got turned on its head when suddenly I became a woman. Worse yet, nobody believed me that I had been a man except for my friend John. Since becoming a woman I haven't gone in to work, but, luckily John was fairly wealthy and more than willing to let me live with him until I got everything sorted out. For now, my best bet is just to search the internet for cases similar to mine.
I took about a month but I finally found something! I found a website dedicated to following weird occurrences supposedly caused by a small stone. People on this website claimed that it glowed when touched and seemed to switch owners fairly regularly. The best part? I could swear that I had seen it before! That meant that it could still be around here and I might just be able to find a way out of my situation!

"You look pretty happy there Alex."
"I am! I think I may have found a way to be a man again!"
"Is that so? Care to enlighten me?"
I showed him what I had found about the stone but he didn't seem to be convinced.
"That's just folk lore Alex. How could you possibly believe that stuff?"
"Because I have to ok. I can't just stay a girl forever!"
"That's another thing. You seem to have gotten quite comfortable as a girl. You're even wearing your own clothes now instead of stealing mine."
He was right. I spent my first few weeks as a girl roaming around in his clothes trying my best to avoid having to wear panties or a bra. Now though, I've kinda started enjoying the way these panties feel on my crotch and not having my tits flopping around was a bit of a bonus too.
"Just because my body feels better with proper clothing doesn't mean I want to be a woman John!"
"You're right, sorry. I just, I thought that, maybe you were settling in a bit, y'know?"
"No, I'm sorry. You're just trying to help and I'm making it hard."
I did feel really bad. John had done so much for me and I was practically roaming his house naked. If I were still a guy I could only imagine how that would make me feel. That's when I felt a sudden urge to make it up to him. Lacking money I only really had one thing to offer the guy. My body. It was insane. Why was I suddenly thinking that I should fuck my best friend? I mean, yeah, he had been helping me but that's a bit crazy is it not? Regardless, I now felt a growing emptiness in my pussy and I knew what I wanted and needed to do. John then got up to leave me with my research.
"Hey! Wait!"
"What's up Alex?"
"Uhm... How do I say this? Uh... Do you, uh, do you want, to uh... have sex... with me?"
"Well that's a little out of nowhere!"
"I know, I know, but, I'm really horny and you've done so much for me... And..."
Before I could even finish my awkward statement he had me flipped over with my legs spread.

His cock was much larger than I had imagined. I mean, that's a weird thing to say as a man but, yeah, I had imagined his cock recently. Maybe it was just because I was missing my own but the point remains that he was much bigger than I thought he'd be. Especially since I remember a few of his exes joking about his size. They were wrong though, oh, they were certainly wrong. Maybe it was just because he was my first but nothing I had experienced as a woman had compared to this. Hell, nothing I ever experienced as a man compared. His cock impaling me was unbelievably good. In this moment I almost never wanted to turn back into a man. Why would I give up this feeling? Despite being very much a man on the inside I couldn't stifle my moans and it was clear that John was getting into this just as much as I was.
"You're so sexy when you moan Alexis!"
I was taken aback for a moment. Did he just call me Alexis? Who cares? "Oh yeah, fuck me harder baby!"
We went at it for a while before he finished on my stomach and left the room. Did, did I just fuck my best friend? Did I like it? I need to find that damn stone quick. That brings up one major question though. How am I supposed to find a stone with only the knowledge that it seems familiar? I thought for the rest of the day on just that. Sure, I could lurk on the website but there hasn't been any updates since about a week before my change. As such I was pretty much at square one.
Another week passed with no progress and you could practically cut the tension in the room with a knife any time John and I were together. It didn't help that every so often he'd slip up and call me Alexis. What was I supposed to do though? Tell him off? He didn't deserve that. Hell, I probably asked for it when I just accepted it during sex. And that. We had sex. Why did I fuck him? It's not like I suddenly started liking guys. I haven't even thought about guys when masturbating. Though, for some reason, I do get a little wet every time he's around. Maybe I was falling for him.
"Hey Alexis, how goes searching for a fix?"
"You know that my name is Alex still right?
"Oh, yeah, sorry, I just thought that..."
"No, no, it's fine. I probably should've made it more clear."
"No hard feelings then?"
"Not at all."
He then left the room. That was sorta bitchy right? I mean, not really, but, did I need to do that? I mean, maybe? It's not like I told him to fuck off or anything. Maybe I should go apologize. When I got to his room though I found him masturbating.
"Woah, what happened to knocking?!?"
"I'm so sorry, I didn't think that you'd, that... I just didn't think. I'll uh, I'll leave you to it."
"Wait. You must've come here for a reason."
"Well, I did, but, that can wait. You're busy."
"Say it already."
I don't know what was coming over me but seeing his cock got me excited. It just looked so... tasty. I wanted it. I wanted to suck it. I wanted to blow my best friend.
"Well, I was going to apologize, but, I think I can do you one better."

I quickly made my way across the room to him and took his cock into my mouth. Compared to having him inside my pussy this was a little lack luster for sure but in the end I was enjoying this more than I ever enjoyed receiving a blowjob. I know that doesn't make any sense but it was true. I thoroughly enjoyed having a cock in my mouth. The fact that I was in control of another person's orgasm was just so intoxicating to me. In the end that power I had over John was better than any blowjob I had ever received and I was kinda falling in love with it. The taste itself wasn't awful, but, feeling his cock grow and twitch in my mouth was great. At this point I honestly couldn't understand how any girl didn't like giving blowjobs. Sure, getting fucked is far and away more pleasurable physically but there was something about the mental power I had in this moment. I had the power to stop at any point and leave him unsatisfied. I wasn't going to do that, but, I could. To be honest the thought of tasting cum was becoming intriguing to me. What's one time right? You can't know if you never try.
"Y'know, if I didn't know any better I'd say this isn't your first time sucking a cock!"
Was I really doing that well? I mean, should I be proud of that? I didn't really know how to respond to that statement to be honest so I just kept sucking, bidding my time until he finally came.
"Just like that. I'm about to cum!"
Either I actually was a damn good cock sucker or he got himself pretty far before I came in. Regardless, I found myself looking forward to him finishing. I was almost craving his cum. A moment later that craving would be satiated as he pumped a full load into my mouth. I couldn't take it all though so I pulled off which meant some ended up on my chest. I don't know what it was. Maybe it was knowing that I just made a man cum or maybe I just liked the taste but, damn, it was good. It wasn't amazing, no, but it was really good. Like, wow. As a man I should be disgusted by this but, I couldn't help but sorta love it in a weird way.
"That's a pretty big smile for a man who just sucked a cock."
"Oh, shut up! I did it to apologize!"
"Why the smile then?"
"Maybe I just take pride in how well I did. Or maybe I find it funny how much you just came after getting blown by a guy!"
"That's hardly fair."
"I know, but all is fair in love and war!"
And with that I left to go get cleaned up. While showering I thought on what I meant by that statement. It kinda just came out but, what did I mean by it? I wasn't at war with him. Did I love him? How could I? I was a man. A straight man. Once again that's weird to say seeing as I just not only gave a guy a blowjob but enjoyed having him cum in my mouth. After finishing my shower I felt my pussy ache. I was horny. VERY horny. I desperately wanted... to... get fucked... by John. Oh god. Was I actually falling for him? Y'know what? I didn't care. If I was, good! He was a great man and he's nice. He deserves a loving girlfriend. He deserves... me... I can be that for him. Sure, I was a man, but, I was in a woman's body. It's not like I found sex or cocks in general repulsive, that was abundantly clear. Fuck it! I'm going to go get laid!

"Hey handsome." I tried to be as sexy as possible as I began crawling on the bed towards him.
"Uh, hey Alex... What are... What are you doing?"
"Isn't it obvious? I'm going to fuck you. But first, lets get another taste of that cock of yours."
I sucked him off for a short time before giving him a look to let him know that I was ready for him to take me. When he pushed his cock into my eager pussy everything else melted away. Nothing else mattered except for me and this man. Everything was right. I didn't have a care in the world. It was like all the stress that had been building up since becoming a woman just disappeared. I was content. Hell, I was happy! I was a love drunk little whore and I loved it. We made love that day. That day was the last day of my male life and I couldn't have been happier. Certainly, not as a man. I was a woman. I was Alexis.
We fucked like rabbits for a week. If I wasn't eating or sleeping I was either bouncing on his cock or taking it in my mouth. Life was good. That's right, my life, was good. A month ago this may of been my hell but now I was in paradise. After that first night John started calling me Alexis again. It was like he knew that I had accepted my new life. Maybe he did. It probably wasn't exactly hard to figure out with my progressively more girly behavior. Secretly I loved it. I loved that he chose my name. Yeah, it's not the most creative thing just adding two letters but still. I loved it, and, I loved him. Truthfully, I love him. I love him so deeply that it's hard to imagine my life without him. I love him so much that despite getting an alert that the stone had been spotted I didn't care. Ok, that was a little sudden... I had an alert set up for when the website updated. I forgot to shut that down after committing to this life initially and as such I found out that about three days ago it was spotted just outside the park down the street. Once again I didn't care though. I didn't need that stone. Not anymore.
"Alexis, I'm home."
"I'm in the bathroom." I replied

"Oh, seems you've started without me."
"I was just thinking about you and couldn't help myself."
I'm sure you know where this all went so I'll spare you the details for now. I will leave you with this though. Don't let life get you down. You never know when it may turn around and leave you with a whole world of new things to experience.
I love the sexiness, the positivity, the use of unreliable narration, and the subtle hints that the man probably turned Alex into a woman and wished for Alex to fall in love with him. Dark undertones for a sexy story. Keep it up!