This all started with a weird stone my friend found a few weeks ago. The stone seemed normal at first but when my friend touched it the stone glowed a sickly green color. He toyed with it for a while before discovering that it allowed him to alter reality. Shortly after realizing this my friend made a truly sadistic choice and began toying with me in ways that only magic could accomplish. Before too long I felt my hair growing. After that I felt myself shrink a few inches and lose body mass all over. As I stood there I felt every feature of my body systematically tweaked to my friend's liking. My skin smoothed and became mostly hairless, my face morphed into that of a woman's, my chest ballooned outward slightly, my throat tightened and I knew that my voice was at least a few octaves higher, and lastly my once sizable cock slipped away leaving my with what I could only assume was a pussy. My body then erupted into pleasure for a moment only to subside after I let out a sultry moan in response. My friend then told me what he had done.
"Now that we're all set for my little game I suppose I should enlighten you."
"That would be nice." My voice sounded so alien to me now but I knew that I would need to get used to it as the look on my friend's face suggested that he had no intention of turning me back soon.
"Well Alex, where do I start? The beginning? Will do. You see, I intend to see just how much it takes to turn you into my little sex toy."
"If that's your plan why not just make me into a bimbo? Why am I still thinking like a guy?" It was such an odd question to be asking as only moments ago I was a guy but I digress.
"The simple answer? That wouldn't be any fun."
"Why me though? What did I do to you to warrant this?"
"What makes you think I need a reason? I just want to have fun. Now then, lets explain the rules. Rule one: You will receive rewards for acting girly and punishments for acting manly. Rule two: You will do anything and everything I tell you to. And lastly Rule three: You may only orgasm from my actions."
"Why in the hell would I agree to any of that?"
"Tsk tsk tsk. Off to a bad start already. I'd say that refusal was very manly of you."
Suddenly I felt a horrible emptiness in my pussy. I NEEDED something to fill that void. I couldn't fathom how I could need something so much but nothing I tried satiated this deep hunger from my groin.
"Now, what was your answer again?"
"That's more like it. Atta girl. We'll make a woman out of you yet!"
After that we headed home and though I wanted nothing more than to get as far away from him as possible, we were roommates now which was likely due to the stone. Once we got home he asked me to clean the house naked while he played video games. Remembering what happened the last time I refused a request I played along as to not have to endure that again. All the while I was exceedingly aware that he had used the stone to make me horny as my new pussy was soaked the entire time. Once I finished I left to my new room and tried to masturbate to get rid of the arousal. Nothing worked though. I played with myself for thirty minutes and had no release. That's when I remembered rule number three and began to understand what it meant.
With this now on my mind and my pussy desperately needing to be pleasured I knew what I had to do. I left my room and approached my friend asking to be satisfied.
"That bold request is fairly masculine of you wouldn't you say? I mean it's a little forward is it not?"
My heart sank. I could not handle that pain again but luckily, he wasn't finished talking.
"Though since no man would ask to be fucked by another man I suppose i'll let it slide. That is, if you blow me first to prove you're accepting your situation."

And like that his pants disappeared revealing a cock much larger than my own. No part of me wanted to suck that cock. No fiber of my being found that thing attractive. I had to do it though. I couldn't subject myself to that pain again and I needed to cum or I'd go crazy. As such I sucked it up, got on my knees, wrapped my lips around his cock, and got to work. It was awful. I hated every second of it. The thought that I was sucking another man's cock was sickening to me. I was practically being raped but I couldn't do anything about it lest I be tortured again. I toughed it out for what seemed like forever until he came. My initial thought was to spit it out as fast at possible but I knew that would likely lead to a punishment so I begrudgingly swallowed.
"You swallowed huh? Can't say I saw that coming. Maybe you secretly always wanted to be a girl. Maybe you just like the taste of cum. Either way, I'd say swallowing my cum there was pretty feminine of you. After all, what man would do that? As such, here's your reward."
It hit me like a truck. My body erupted into pleasure. My pussy was on fire. I felt wave after wave of sheer orgasmic bliss crash over me for a full minute. It was unbelievable. I had never felt anything even close to this pleasure. After it subsided I took a moment to recover just basking in the afterglow.
"You are so sexy when you moan like that y'know. And the squirting? I mean, wow. Even if I hadn't made it so I can cum multiple times without fatigue I'd still be hard as a rock after that show. Go wait for me in my bed and I'll show you what a real man feels like inside your precious little pussy."
I did as I was told and before too long he showed up ready to take my female virginity. As he entered me I found more confusion than anything else. I wasn't in pain per se, but, I wasn't exactly enjoying it either. It felt almost robotic. Certainly, it felt good, but there was no spark there. We weren't making love, we were fucking, and too be honest I wasn't getting into it. I suppose that's probably because I was still mostly a man at that point and as such I failed to derive that pleasure as It felt wrong to me still. That being said, after an hour of sex I had cum at least twelve times and he finished on my stomach.
"You have a few choices here Alex. Y'know what. Alex is too unisex. You'll now go by Alexis. Ok, now, Alexis you have a few choices. Your first choice is simple. You can either go get cleaned up or you can clean yourself up right here if you know what I mean. Second, you can go sleep in your room or you can sleep in my bed with me. As to not sway your choice either way I wont count either of these choices for or against you."
I knew two things. One, he's either lying and plans on punishing me if I choose incorrectly, or he's curious to see where I am after the blowjob, reward, and sex. And two, I did not want to choose either choice that he would want me to. I decided to take him at his word and choose the go get cleaned up and to sleep in my room. Luckily, he wasn't lying and I didn't receive a punishment.

The next morning I woke up in a new body. Everything felt alien, but not as much as it had when I initially became a woman. After getting out of bed I started my morning routine. I grabbed some clothes that I thought were cute. I then grabbed a towel and headed for the bathroom to take a shower. Just after closing the door though I saw my friend and out of a mixture of fear and shock I dropped everything only to then remember I was naked and attempted to cover myself a bit.
"Y'know, even though I haven't seen this body yet it's not like we didn't have sex last night. Points for acting shy and trying to cover up though."
He was right but, why had I done that? Was I actually becoming more girly? Either way I gathered my things and as I was about to leave he insisted that instead I join him for a shower. I wanted to say no but not for the reason I'd have thought. I didn't want to join him because I didn't want him to see me exposed like that. Weird right? Regardless, I got into the shower as to avoid punishment. The entire time he played with my body like I was his favorite toy. He pressed all my buttons so to speak after five or so minutes I was getting very horny. I found myself eyeing his cock hungrily while my mouth watered. I even started to stroke him before too long. Eventually he turned me around and fucked me there. It was amazing this time. It wasn't quite to the level of my reward the previous night but it was great. His cock felt so good pistoning in and out of me. Somewhere along the line I requested he finish in my mouth and about ten minutes later he did just that. This time his cum was delicious I never wanted the taste to leave my mouth but playing with your food isn't ladylike so I swallowed it up before cleaning what remained off his cock.
"I'd say that you've earned yourself a reward but I'd be lying."
What?!? I just fucked him like a whore and eagerly swallowed a load! How is that not befitting of a reward?!
"This morning I broke the rules a bit. I applied some mental effects. Namely, I made you into a girl in your mind. Thus those actions can't count for our game. Though, I do encourage you to remember this so you know what to shoot for."
He then grabbed the stone from his bedside table and I felt myself become myself again. Well, as much myself as I could be as a woman. At that point I got dressed and left the bathroom.
"Well, I'm off to work now. Don't have too much fun without me."
"Why even go to work? You could just make yourself a multibillionaire."
"While yes, that is true, I want to fuck with people at work including making my boss blow me."
I certainly wasn't going to argue with him about it so I left the topic there and he headed out. I spent that entire day trying to figure out how I could fix this whole situation. I knew that there was no way that he'd ever leave the stone alone with me and if I tried to run away he'd just bring me back. I was stuck.
"What a wonderful day. I got back at all the assholes I work with, made my boss into a glorified sex doll, and watched every woman in the office have orgasms every time they looked at me."
"I'm glad you had fun."
"What did you do with that sexy little body of yours all day? Did you get warmed up for my return by any chance?"
I knew I should probably lie and say that I had been masturbating all day just waiting fo him to come fill me but something told me lying would be worse.
"No, I just kinda relaxed all day and got used to this new body."
"Booooorrrrrriiiingg. Though not manly so I can't punish you. Well, now that I'm here I'd like to relax, with a show if you wouldn't mind."
Suddenly, I saw a sybian appear on the floor and I knew what he wanted.
"I suppose a little show wouldn't hurt.' I thought if I played it off like I was into it I may get a reward.
"If that's the case I think I'd rather have a blonde for this, and don't worry I'm not pure evil. I'll let you experience all the pleasure. Still no cumming though, we wouldn't want you getting too attached to it now would we?"

I decided that it was best if I got this over with so I quickly made my way to the little machine and lined the dildo up with my pussy before letting it slip inside of me. It felt, fine. It wasn't spectacular but at least it didn't hurt. That's when he started messing with the controls. At first it began to vibrate inside of me and I started getting really wet. It felt really good. I couldn't describe it but I loved it. It then began rotating and I let out a little moan. I heard myself and thought that maybe if I played it up I'd be able to get another reward. And so I did. I moaned more and shook my hips a bit all while I felt the little dildo continued speeding up. Eventually my audience member put the remote down and I saw that it was maxed out. At that point I realized that I wasn't just playing it up for him. This felt amazing. I was holding on for dear life and I loved every second of it. A while later my pleasure subsided though. I had been edging for so long that it began to hurt a bit since I wasn't cumming. As a side note I now knew what my punishment was when I do receive it. It was this. Needing desperately to cum with no release. Seeing as this was turning into that I knew I needed to end this. I thought to myself that maybe if I begged for him he'd let me off and maybe even give me a reward. So I did just that.
"Oh god, OH, this feels so good. Y'know what feels better though? Your cock. Please please please give it to me. Fuck me like the whore I am. Make a woman out of me!"
"Well since you asked so nicely I suppose I can do that. Oh, and I believe you've earned this."
As soon as he said it I felt another eruption of pleasure. It was intoxicating. I could not imagine living without this feeling. I needed more of those. He then picked me up off the sybian and propped me up against a door before impaling me.

I don't know if he did something or if I was just starting to enjoy this but, my god, the sex this time was unbeatable. It still didn't surpass me rewards but damned if I had ever felt anything on par with this as a man. With his cock inside my pussy I was hard pressed to want to be a man again. How could I go back to a life without this or my little rewards. We fucked for hours and by the end of it I was both exhausted and satisfied. I fell asleep in his arms that night.
The next morning when I woke up I saw his massive morning wood and had to make a decision. Would a girl be more likely to make him up with a blowjob or make him breakfast? Moreover, which would be more likely to get me a reward? I thought on it for a second before deciding to make breakfast. I thought that though I'd probably get fucked after the blowjob he'd be more likely to reward me if I acted like a love struck teenager and made him breakfast. With the smell of bacon in the air it wasn't long before he made his way to the kitchen.
"You're making breakfast?"
"Yeah, I thought that you'd like to eat before going off to work again or if you're staying home, it'd just be nice."
"How nice. In fact, I think you may just get a reward depending on how good it is."
Score, I thought. If I kept this act up he may just think he's won the game. Upon finishing his breakfast I brought it to him and realized that he was still naked. Seeing this I thought that if I gave him a blowjob he'd be sure to reward me.
"Aren't you going to eat? You didn't make anything for yourself."
"Oh no, I have my breakfast right here. It'll just take a little more effort."
I started working at his cock and felt myself getting excited knowing that I'd surely get rewarded for this and breakfast. After about ten minutes I felt his seed in my mouth and eagerly swallowed it up before awaiting my well earned prize.
"You're getting really good at this. Before too long you'll be able to out blow any girl I've been with."
Was that it? I don't get rewarded? He couldn't have added mental effects this time, I was awake before him. I sat there for a moment looking obviously disappointed before he chimed in.
"Y'know, I said you'd get rewards for acting girly. Not slutty. That was practically a porno and though I enjoyed it, it wasn't girly. In other news it's time for a new look,"
Damn. I wasn't going to be able to fast track this huh? I couldn't just act like a chick from a movie or porno. I had to act like a real girl, and I had to do it quick before I actually become one. Knowing that no amount of begging would get me another blissful minute I left him to eat and searched through my closet for something to wear. I tried on a few things before settling on some lace panties and a tank top. I had spent most of my time as a girl naked and though it was nice just roaming around freely I felt like I should probably cover up. That being said I didn't want to put on pants as most of mine were really tight and a skirt was just a bit too far for now.

It's weird to say but with those panties on I felt truly girly for the first time. I know that's odd. I'd used a sex toy and had a cock in my mouth and pussy multiple times now and yet I never felt girly? Hell, I'd even had the mind of a girl for a while. All that said yes, this is when I first felt girly. It was just something about the way that those panties delicately cupped my pussy that made me feel so dainty. I sort of loved that feeling. I was still a man but those panties made me feel so good. After leaving my room I saw my friend leaving for work and just as he left he caught a glimpse of me.
"Now that, is girly. Have fun."
After another incredible minute I got to tidying the house in hopes that it'd buy me a few brownie points. I knew that he was effectively training me like a dog but I didn't care. If you knew the pleasure he was giving me you'd wear lacey panties and make him breakfast too. You'd even suck him off and let him fuck you whenever he wanted if it meant you'd know this pleasure. I found myself anticipating his arrival towards the end of the day. I was just so excited to see him return because it meant I could get my little rewards. When he came through the door though he made it clear that he'd be making it much harder for me to get those.
"I think I've been rewarding you too much. You're more of an addict than a girl at this point."
"No, no. I'm a girl. Look I cleaned the house and I'm still wearing lacey panties. Oh, and I'm wet, that's because I've been thinking of you."
"I see that, but that's because you want the high. You're going to have to really work at being a girl to get that now."
Shit. I was fucked now. There was no more faking it. I had to just accept my fate.
"Will you at least fuck me? I wasn't lying about being wet and your cock has been on my mind."
I hated myself for saying that. Not because it was embarrassing, but, because it was true. Sure, you could write it off as me wanting to get that high but when it came down to it I was starting to like the feeling of his cock inside me. I was even beginning to enjoy the taste of his cum. Training or not I was becoming a girl in mind to match my body. This time our sex was different. It still felt really good but instead of mindless fucking there was something more to it. There was love. Not love for the feeling, but, for each other. I don't know if he felt it too but I certainly did. I was falling in love with the man that had destroyed my old life. Call it stockholm syndrome if you want but I did love him now. At least a little. I once again fell asleep in his arms that night.
When I woke up he had already left for work so I was alone in the house. I roamed around for a while just waiting for him to get home as I didn't have anything to do. At least, nothing that excited me. Halfway through the day though he texted me asking for a nude. I thought for a second wondering why when he could just make any person he wanted strip but decided to send him one anyway.

I felt awkward but took the pic and sent it. He soon replied with. "ooh that body turned out nice, though, I don't recall giving you painted fingernails."
"That's because you didn't. I got bored so I painted them myself." Why had I admitted that? Surely he would think I did it for another reward.
"I see. I'll be home soon."
That message excited me to no end. He was coming home for me! I got really giddy out of nowhere and could hardly contain my excitement. Once he got home he rushed over to me and forced a couple fingers into my pussy. I was shocked, stunned even. It felt so good for some reason.
"You're really wet. You must really be excited."
"I can't say that I'm not. You'd be able to tell that I was lying seeing as though you have your hands... fingers on the evidence."
It didn't take long before he had me on the bed moaning his name for hours. Somewhere along the line it became clear to me that none of my actions from that day were to get a reward, well not in the way they had been before. I just wanted him. I wanted him to treat me like a girl and make me feel like one, the sex was just a bonus. Yes, a bonus. I loved the sex. With his cock inside of me I felt complete. Seeing as we had most of the day ahead of us since he left work early he came more than a few times. Most were on my stomach and chest but after a while I asked him to finish in my mouth so there would be less clean up. Well, that's what I told him. In reality I wanted to taste it. I remembered the taste from the day he gave me the mind of a girl and simply had to see if it compared now. It did. Big time. I found it delicious. It was incredible how much I was enjoying the taste. At this point I knew. I was no longer a man and there was nothing I could do to change that nor did I want to.
The next morning I once again woke up late. I was sad that I didn't get to see my lover before he left but I wasn't entirely ready for him to know that either so I decided to keep that to myself and just wait for him to get home. That being said I couldn't really hide that at the very least I was starting to enjoy sex and sucking cock as when he came through the door I practically tackled him before ripping his pants off and working on his delicious cock. It was also made quite clear that I wasn't just horny as I swayed my ass the entire time.

I can't tell you why I even bothered putting pajamas on knowing that they'd just be coming off soon after he came through the door. This was bliss. I was at peace. I didn't have to wonder what my life would be as a woman or if I'd ever turn back into a man. In this moment nothing mattered except for me and this man. With my lips around his cock everything made sense. Everything was perfect.
"Well aren't you eager today?"
"It's more like I need something since you haven't used that stone to reward me and I know you'll at least fuck me after I blow you." Part of me hated lying to him. I wanted to tell him that I loved him and I'd do anything for him, but I, just wasn't ready.
"Is that so? Lets get right to it then. I wouldn't want you to start resenting me now would I?"
He carried me right to our bedroom and fucked my brains out. Not even the stone's magic orgasms compared to the feeling of the man I love absolutely ravaging me. I loved every second of that night. Every thrust felt right and by the end of it I couldn't have been happier. I had plenty of little 'rewards' along the way as he finished in my mouth each time. Y'know, to avoid clean up. I found myself just staring into his eyes a lot and it was pretty obvious that he noticed but he didn't say anything. After another sex filled night he did something that he hadn't up until that point. He kissed me. T hadn't even noticed that we hadn't kissed but when we did it was like fireworks. I loved it. I was his girl and that sealed it. We then drifted off to sleep and I dreamed.
I dreamed of my life as a woman with this man. All the things we could do. All the places we could go. All the experiences we could share. It made me so happy. I had never really looked to the future as a man as quite frankly it scared me. I didn't think I'd amount to anything and I was terrified of what was around the corner. As a woman though, I was hopeful. I was optimistic. I saw so many possibilities and each and every one was equally as amazing so long as I had this man by my side. To think that only a few days ago I would have hated this dream. How insane would that have been? Now though, I couldn't help but smile the entire time.
When I woke up I was once again greeted with an empty bed which now made me even sadder knowing I'd have to wait to see my love. To my surprise though he soon came back into the room and said that our little game was over.
"Why is that?"
"Because I've won. You're a woman in body and mind now."
"How did you know?"
"It's not terribly hard when you stare into my eyes as I fuck you."
"I suppose that was a big hint huh?"
"Indeed it was. Well, since the game is over you're left with one more choice."
"Oh really? What's that?"
"You can stay this way and we can be together for real, or, you can go back to the man you were before all of this, and I'll even turn myself into a girl to let you fuck me for playing along so well."

All I could do was laugh. How could I possibly go back to the way things were before? If I could why would I? He clearly knew my answer based on that laugh.
"Well, if that's the case I don't need to go to work anymore. I need to get to know my Alexis more."
After he said that I knew it was over. I was no longer a man. I was no longer Alex. I was Alexis through and through. And I couldn't be happier.
this was a really good story. would you care to expand on this some day ? "like maybe parenthood or marriage"
ReplyDeleteI have considered expanding it, not quite sure if I will though. ^_^
Deleteloved this. this was very creative
ReplyDeleteThank you! ^_^
DeleteThis was so effing amazing! I have absolutely no justifiable words to type. On here & even if I did. It be way to long to read. This was... *Gasp* 😶😊
ReplyDeleteThanks Angel ^_^ <3
DeleteThis was such a great story I so wanted to be her, to feel all that she had felt and to BE THAT WOMAN!!!