I can't believe I've finally found the stone! To think that it was just lying around outside a park. I've been searching for this thing for so long. Just imagine what I could do with this power. I used its magic first to know its history. Having followed the website for a while I knew some, but, there was no way that a couple people on a conspiracy site had all the knowledge. It was amazing! This stone had been the cause of so much that had happened in the world and yet it always seems to switch owners after a very short time. Even more perplexing it seemed to change its internal rules quite often. In fact, recently the need to expressly say "I wish" seems to have faded as the two most recent owners never once uttered those words before a wish. This stone was more than I could've imagined. It wasn't some random magical object. It had a sentience to it. It wasn't alive, no, but, it wasn't inanimate. It was like a genie almost. It didn't twist your wishes like all the stories would suggest. but, it did sway its owner. It had an agenda. It had a reason for letting me know this. With this knowledge I decided to play it safe and limit my wishes. I didn't want this stone to make me do something that I wanted no part of. First things first though, I needed money. I wanted to live in the lap of luxury as so many before me and the stone quickly granted my desire.
Before learning of the stone's nature I would have wished nearly non stop. I would have done everything with it. I fully intended to use the stone to cook, clean, and even get laid. That was before learning of its inner workings. I didn't want to use many wishes as with each new wish the stone affected its owner more. This is why many of the recent owners had used the stone to either change themselves or others into the opposite gender. Ever since that redhead did it the stone has enjoyed changing people's genders. Maybe that's why the stone divulged its true nature to me. I was also a redhead and maybe it liked that about me. Who knows, maybe it was just bored.
Life with the stone was much less fun than I had thought it'd be. I wanted to play and have fun but I was scared of it. With two wishes already used what could the stone have done to me? Am I only a few wishes away from being a woman? Do I care? Wait... That's it! That must be what the stone has done! It has started working towards changing me! I didn't care if I turned into a woman, or, at least I couldn't find it within myself to dislike the idea. I immediately thought I should get rid of it. Why should this rock be able to play with any human it wanted? Wait... it... wanted me...

Soon after putting the pieces together I realized what the stone had done to me with my first wish. I couldn't get rid of it. Any time I tried to discard it I chickened out. The stone made me scared of losing it. That is, at least until it was done with me. I was fucked then right? If I made more wishes it would change me further and if I didn't it would just find someone else to mess with after I died. I hated how curious I was. I had to know what it wanted with me. I had to make more wishes. I had to get to the bottom of this. Initially I wanted to wish to know what it wanted with me. Before going through with that though I decided that it probably wouldn't tell me. It already would have if it was going to. I had to think of another way. That's when it hit me. I wished that I knew what small magic it was using on me with every wish. I thought that maybe I could find out more if I just kept a mental not of each one. Obviously it would continue turning me into a girl but maybe it would try something else. Unsurprisingly it continued its plans towards turning me. After my newest wish I would start feeling more attracted to men.
Had my plan backfired? Had I just accelerated my fate? I couldn't think like that. This stone chose me for a reason. I had to know why. I then wished for the ability to read minds whenever I wanted. I knew that this wish wouldn't help me learn more about the stone but being as curious as I was it was something I always wanted. The stone took this opportunity to make me want to try cock. At this point I knew that I wan't making any head way. I put the stone in a drawer and tried my best to forget about it. I spent almost two months ignoring the stone. I used my power and yes, I had a few gay experiences, but nothing made me want to use the stone. I was mad at it, and I wanted it to know that. After a while though curiosity got the best of me and I used the stone to make me more charming. This time the stone made me happy. I don't mean that I enjoyed the outcome, no, I mean it used its magic to make me happy. I thought on that for a while. Before finding the stone I wasn't depressed. Hell, I wasn't even dissatisfied with my life. Why did the stone make that change?
After that I was more intrigued than ever. In hindsight though, that may have just been the stone trying to gain my trust as after three more wishes it took away my attraction to girls, made me crave sex, and made me want to cross dress. I was in a corner now. With a few more wishes the stone would have me craving womanhood and I was no closer to knowing why. So I made the wish. I wished to be a girl and in response the stone took away my desire to cross dress. I suppose that the stone didn't want me thinking I wanted to be a guy again so it had to remove that affect. I thought for a while on what to wish for. I didn't really want anything. Yeah, I was a woman but wishing myself back would just waste time. All I could think of was to make myself attractive. I wasn't hideous but I could certainly use a few touch ups. As such I wished for a slimmer figure, a cuter face, and knowledge of how to use makeup. Now for the stone's responses. One, the stone made me a constant flirt. Two, the stone made me crave the taste of cum. Lastly, the stone took away my desire to find answers about it. That pissed me off to be honest. I played its game and it just fucked me over! I tried to wish for that drive back but where I'd normally get a response affect it just replied no. It could do that? It could refuse me? I mean, I kinda assumed that it could but still.
That was it then huh? I lost. I hadn't learned anything about the stone and now all I could think about was sex. Speaking of... I REALLY needed to suck a cock. And that's all I did, for weeks all I did was suck off or fuck just about any guy that was willing. I was a complete slut now and it was all because of that damn stone. After that week I found myself wondering how many more things I could do with the stone. I grabbed it and as always it glowed. I wanted to just throw it away but due to its power I couldn't. That's when it hit me. Every recent owner had rid themselves of it after a short time. That meant that the stone either made them or at least wanted them to do so. All I had to do was keep wishing until it was ready for me to go. As such I started using the stone for everything, and I mean everything. Need milk? Wish for some. Want to have sex? Wish for a guy. Just want to watch tv? Hell, why not wish for your favorite show to be on?

With each new meaningless wish the stone used its power on me. After only a few wishes it removed my cravings for sex and cum. Aside from that the stone was more or less innocuous for a while. It made me comfortable in my body. It made me enjoy sex but not crave it. It made cum appealing but not addictive. It turned me from a hardcore slut to a normal woman. It also made a lot more of those 'happy' changes. By the end of it all I was a veritable ray of sunshine. I had everything. Everything made me happy. That's when it made two very important changes. First it took away my fear of losing it. Second it made me want to wish that its magic could no longer impact me. I sorta laughed at that. Like it or not it used me as it had every other recent owner. I still had no clue why, but, it had. Due to its magic I couldn't even really care anymore. As such I made my wish and passed it on for whomever was to find it next.
(Hopefully this isn't just a pipe dream and some of you will join in. Either way, I hope you enjoyed it. ^_^)
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