Hi, this isn't a story. This is me announcing my retirement so to speak. I've enjoyed writing these stories for a long time but as of late I just have no drive to write them. Whenever I get that drive to write it's never for erotica anymore. Now it's more fantasy based around D&D campaigns. I get really into the stories and I just don't get that anymore with writing my captions. I appreciate all the nice things that everyone has commented and I'm glad that I was able to entertain you with my stories. All that said, this is goodbye. I don't want to say that there's a chance that I'll come back but knowing myself I can't say that I never will. Maybe one day I'll get that drive back and I'll post again. Until then, or perhaps forever, goodbye. Knowing myself, I'll probably check the comments on this for better or worse, if anyone's interested I may end up making another blog to post those other stories. There wont be any erotic themes as nobody that knows about my D&D stories knows about this side of my writing and I'd like the keep that as it is. I'm not ashamed of having written any of these stories but I know that many of my friends would be taken aback by them if they found out. Who knows, maybe on of you is one of them and you've known for a while but just haven't said anything. Either way, this is indeed goodbye for now. I've enjoyed the ride and I'll probably still read other people's stories, I just wont be writing anything new. Thank you all for reading my stories and helping me grow as a writer. And as always, Have a great day! ^_^