(This one has been in the works for a while but I finally got a round to finishing it... Well... Not finishing so to say. I decided to split this into 2 parts instead of it's originally planned 1. As such this is obviously not a full story. It's more of a set up for the next caption which I plan on writing soon as I have once again let my imagination take hold and run wild. Consequently I have many ideas for the next part but suggestions are always welcome. If you want to see something in the next part leave a comment and if I like it I may just add it in. Regardless, like a broken record I'll leave you with this. I hope you enjoy the caption and have a good day! ^_^)
A few years ago a Scientist developed the technology to rewrite someone's genetic code in order to do all sorts of crazy things. Want purple eyes? Go for it. Want to be someone else for a few hours or days? Knock yourself out. Obviously the government had to step in to regulate this otherwise Identity theft would be rampant and society could fall apart. Naturally the first thing instituted was personalized I.Ds that could track whatever you looked like regardless of change and would reflect that. This shut down the identity theft as there was no way to copy the code given to each person. After that the government addressed the trans community which was obviously elated that they could finally be who they knew they were meant to be.
The most important effect of government regulation however was this. This is the ultimate sex game. The government decided that with this technology came an opportunity for making massive amounts of money. As such we got this. Some call it simply The Cock Game and some call it The Man Games. I call it Measure Up. Regardless of it's name here are the basic rules. Firstly, to join the game you must be reset to your the body you had been born with. This made it more fair as there was no threat of running into a veteran who had invested heavily into size right off the bat. This brings up rule two. The second rule is that when winning a round you gain a point. This point can be used to grow your cock or unlock more cash at the end of the game. Thirdly, if you lose a round you are transformed into a woman and you must either give the winner a blowjob or fuck him. Lastly, the games last until there is only one man left and he wins the prize money that he unlocked over the course of the game.
That all brings us here. To my first loss. You see, every other time I had played Measure Up I had won almost no money. This was because I used nearly all my points every prior time on size. This time however I wanted more cash. As such I started unlocking prize packages more often. As you can see though this idea didn't pan out. Well, maybe that's not the best way to say it. I was on track to winning $250,000 until I battled this man. I had a sizable cock to start with so I had only used a few points on size whereas this man went all out. I had seen him in years prior and he was never big. This time though he beat me. He only slightly beat me out in the end but whether you win by an inch or a mile is irrelevant. He beat me and now I was forced to suck his beautiful cock. Beautiful? Must be the hormones. Regardless, as second place I still received a portion of my prize so I wasn't terribly upset.
Following my first defeat nothing spectacular happened. Everything was for the most part normal. This normalcy lasted nearly six months before something happened. While watching porn I miss clicked and ended up on a gay video. I immediately clicked off the page once I saw one of the men pull the other's pants down. I wasn't quite quick enough so I still managed to see the man's massive cock. There was no doubt in my mind that he had visited a clinic to get that but in the end that was not what was important. After seeing that delicious looking cock I couldn't help but think about it. It was seared into my memory and every time I closed my eyes I saw it again. After watching a few more videos and not being able to keep it up so to speak I decided that I'd watch the gay video thinking that it might get that damned image out of my head. As I didn't plan on masturbating to the video though I pulled my boxers up and planned on sleeping just after. While watching the video though something curious happened. I got to that same moment where the guy's pants were pulled down and my cock shot right up as if I was seeing the sexiest thing imaginable. I tried my best to ignore this but what happened next was not something that I could ever forget. As the man started sucking the other man's cock I came. My boxers were suddenly full of cum and I was immensely confused. I had never been gay but suddenly I cum from watching gay porn without even touching myself? What made it worse was that I couldn't look away. I was transfixed on the amazing cock on this man. I sat there for ten minutes before the video ended. After finishing the video I quickly changed my boxers and fell asleep hoping that I'd forget what had happened.
When I woke up I was in an odd room. Something about it felt familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. That's when I saw him. The man who had beaten me in Measure Up. Suddenly I remembered this room. It was the very room where I had been beaten. I didn't have time to dwell on this though as my body moved on its own towards this man. I then watched as I yet again lost and turned into a woman. Suddenly I then regained control. It seems paradoxical that during the moments I should have been in control I was not while that moment where I should not be in control I was. Regardless there I was knelt down before an appetizing cock while my mouth watered. Part of me wanted to leave, after all I could this time, I wasn't forced to blow him this time. Yet, I wanted to. While one part of me was mortified a much larger part was intrigued, curious, and oddly aroused. Eventually I gave into this side.
I started slowly. I danced my tongue across the tip while and caught pre-cum with every movement. Finally I wrapped my lips around his shaft and plunged all the way to his balls taking in every inch as it passed through my lips, over my tongue, and down my throat. The feeling of having another man inside me in this way was something that I could have never imagined and yet, this was only the beginning. At this point he pulled me back and started guiding my movements and I was hopeless to resist. This didn't kill the mood for me though. No, that was certain. His complete control over me made me feel weak, slutty, helpless, horny, used, and proud all at once. It was intoxicating for this man to guide me in this blowjob for some reason. Eventually he let me get back to doing it on my own and at that point I knew what I needed to do. I needed to finish this. Not so it would be over, no, so that I could get my prize. I worked his amazing cock like only a true slut could. I used every trick I had ever seen in porn. I did everything I enjoyed in a blowjob. I gave this man pleasure that he could never feel again and just as he was about to cum I woke up. I had been robbed of my prize. I couldn't think straight. I needed cum more than I had ever needed anything before. I nearly resorted to eating my own but deep down I knew that I could not be satisfied in that way. I needed a man, and I needed him at that very moment.
I racked my brain trying to think of how I would do that. How could I get a man that was willing to let me give him a blowjob fast? At first I thought maybe a gay bar but I soon shot that down as I'd have to seduce a man for that and I didn't have the time. In the end I searched Craig's List and found a man requesting a blowjob from anyone. I jumped on the opportunity as at that point I had little choice. I met the man and his cock was nothing special. It was average size and the taste wasn't nearly as intoxicating as it had been in my dream. Nevertheless, I still loved every second of my tongue on that cock. It was like I hadn't had a drink in days and his cock was fresh water. This didn't last long though as this man lacked the stamina that the man in my dream him and came in only a few minutes. That being said, the experience was in no way disappointing. I did get my prize after all. His cum was the best thing that I had ever tasted. As it hit my tongue I felt my boxers fill as I came from just tasting this man's seed. I played with it in my mouth for quite some time. While doing this the man dropped some cash and said "Thanks for the blow" before leaving. I sat there savoring each and every drop for as long as I could. Nothing, and I mean nothing, could compare to that load, it was incredible and I never wanted the taste to leave.
After that experience I was confused and excited all at once. Was I gay now? Did that matter? I didn't think so. What I did think though was simple. My whole world had been shattered and what was left in it's wake was something astounding. I had never tasted cock before nor had I ever wanted to but now it was something that I loved. With that guiding my way I went to the clinic for a few changes. I realized that now I did not need to be a muscle bound jock nor did I need a massive cock as my focus was not on women so I didn't need to woo them anymore. As such I made myself more effeminate and I shank my cock down considerably so that it wasn't in my way as much. After doing that I hung out around gay bars to find partners rather than my standbys. After about a week of blowing just about any guy who'd have me the government made an announcement.
"In regards to 'The Man Games' as many have come to call it something troubling has recently been brought to our attention. According to observation of many of the contestants it seems that there was a mistake in removing the mental effects used on the defeated players. It appears that for some reason upon finishing the game the experimental mental change resisted the removal procedure resulting in sexual orientation shifts or total gender dysphoria. It is recommended that all contestants make their way to their nearest clinic for further testing."
Upon hearing this everything made sense. My sudden change must have been caused by this mistake. Though, for some reason, I didn't care. I didn't mind what had happened. Regardless I went to the clinic and yes, I had been effected by the failed removal process. Though the researchers at the clinic seemed perplexed and upon questioning they revealed that in my case the procedure was a 99.9% success and as such I should have been mostly unaffected. Due to this oddity they requested I stay for further examination. This line of tests did not provide the answers they wanted. The only thing they found was that the fraction of the mental effects that still impacted me were solely related to sex drive. After many tests they concluded that the sex drive overcharge only served to supercharge dormant homosexual feelings and due to this my experience with cum during this period had made me addicted to the taste. They said that if this was the case they should be able to revert the changes but I may never enjoy sex as much as a result. Now I was left with a choice. Go back to the way things were and risk never enjoying sex as much or stay this way and embrace my new life.
To Be Continued...
A really interesting setup particularly the lingering mental effects. Looking forward to part two.