This all started out as stupid dare because I was a very feminine man. You see, my friends and I were all nerds and we were proud about it. We didn't discriminate either, we loved Star Wars and Star Trek, we loved Marvel and DC. We loved everything nerd. Comics were of course our favorite form of media, as you can see though this ended up being quite the catalyst for me. When we were planning our costumes for Comic-Con one year my friends joking said that I should go as a female character as it so clearly suited my body more. I brushed it off at first and insisted that I was going to go as my favorite hero The Flash. They all thought the prospect of me going as a girl was too great to pass up though, so they kept bringing it up. After they realized that I was not going to change my mind they switched to calling me a coward or chicken. I assured them that that wasn't the reasoning but in an effort to shut them up I said I'd do it, if and only if they all paid me one hundred dollars each. To my surprise they agreed and I was locked into this now as I was a man of my word.
As that whole process ate up a bunch of my cosplay making time I had to rush to get a new character and ended up settling on Supergirl who is my favorite female hero. I ended up having to buy a costume instead of making one which kinda took all the fun out of it. Regardless, there I was, a man with a woman's costume and quite honestly I couldn't bring myself to go as me in the costume. As such I enlisted the help of a close childhood friend who made me look the part and to be honest, I was a pretty girl. With that problem solved my friends and I headed out to the con which was luckily not too far from home.
I don't know who was more surprised, my friends about be actually doing it, or me about looking the part. At first the con was more or less uneventful. That is, until my friends and I split up to look at booths and I no longer had an entourage. Once away from my friends I started getting much more attention, not all good either. It started off simply enough. A picture here, a pose with related heros there. Nothing too crazy. Well, not at first at least. After not too much longer, I started having guys go in for hugs or grab my ass. I was a little horrified by this at first but there was something oddly arousing about tricking these horny guys into thinking I was a girl. At one point I had to hide in the bathroom as my dick started getting hard. I don't know why but I was getting off on the attention.
This only escalated after I dealt with my dick. I started pecking guys on the cheek and grabbing them in inappropriate places. One guy clearly enjoyed that as I felt him get incredibly hard almost instantly. The feel of his cock in my hand was oddly empowering. I enjoyed feeling him stiffen in my grasp. I continued my escapades for the rest of the day and eventually headed home knowing that I had played with all of their emotions and for the life of me I couldn't suppress a smile. Once I met up with my friends and we got ready to head home they insisted that they get a picture of me in costume now that I looked so happy. I agreed without much thought and struck a pose befitting my character.
The next day my friends forked over the money I had earned and said that I had won fair in square. They said that I didn't have to go as Supergirl for another day but I said that I needed a costume and I doubted there'd be any available up to my standard. In truth I just wanted to go as a girl again as the previous day had been so much fun. They accepted my excuse however and we headed out. Today we split up almost immediately and I got back to my adventures. This day though, I went farther than I had the previous day. It started similar to how my previous day had ended but after a while I started kissing guys on the lips. That evolved into making out after a short time and by the end of the day I had to retire to the bathrooms to deal with my erection about seven times. I was having the time of my life as Supergirl and honestly I didn't think what I was doing was wrong or weird. I was kissing men, no, making out with men, and actively being aroused by that action and yet I didn't even think that maybe I was gay or even bi. Nevertheless I met up with my friends once again and we headed home.
That night I was graced with a dream. In this dream I was in a super accurate costume of Supergirl and I felt immensely aroused. I was sooooooo wet. Wait what? Wet? Whatever. I went with it. In this dream I was a woman, an actual woman, and I was ogling male cosplayers. All I could think in this dream was how much I wanted every Superman, Flash, Batman, Quicksilver, Wolverine, and so on to rip my costume off and make me a woman in the way only a man could. I awoke to my boxers covered in cum and my heart racing at the very thought of my dream.
The next morning I knew I needed to do something that would push me over the edge and make me do something crazy. I then remembered my dream and two things stuck out to me. First the weight on my chest and though I couldn't quite emulate that, the second I could. The second thing was quite simply the feel of my female self's lace panties and how soft and delicate they made me feel. As such I met with my friend that helped with the make up and requested to borrow a pair of panties saying that my boxers were a little too long and hanging under the skirt. Of course she said I should just wear briefs but when I told her that I didn't own any she reluctantly agreed. We were roughly the same size so she wasn't worried about me stretching them out and simply just pointed me to her panty drawer telling me only that she wanted them cleaned before I returned them. I rummaged through her drawer until I found an adorable pair that were just perfect. After acquiring the panties I got all dolled up in my costume and headed to the con hoping for an eventful day.
Before splitting off with my friends they told me about a Supergirl who was apparently making out with whoever wanted a picture and said that I should look for her and get a picture. I told them that I'd try my best knowing good and well that I wasn't going to be able to follow through with that as I was that girl. Regardless we split off and I resumed my endeavors. For most of the day I didn't go much farther than I already had. That being said the panties changed everything. I felt so delicate and girly. I felt like a woman and this was evident as when I was supposed to meat back up with my friends I instead texted them saying that I was going to stay a while longer and that they shouldn't wait up. And just like that I was alone, moreover, I was horny. I was on another level. I wanted to go farther than I had yet. That pretty much left me with one course of action. I started flirting with a guy and eventually he invited me back to his hotel room. You'd think that I'd be nervous but I wasn't. I was desperate for this man. I needed him for some reason. At this point I still saw nothing out of the ordinary about what I was doing but that was about to change.
We got back to his room and we talked for a while. The entire time I had to fight the growing sensation in my panties as I got more and more aroused. Eventually we stopped talking and got to the good stuff. He pulled me in and I was putty in his hands. When his lips touched mine I nearly melted. I felt his tongue dancing around inside my mouth and I lost it. I was fully erect and I knew I had to do something so he didn't discover my secret. I pulled away and dropped to my knees so that I could unbutton his pants and pull his masterful cock out. I started giving him a blowjob and every second only made me harder. I instantly fell in love with the taste and nearly lost myself in pleasure. I bobbed up and down on his delicious cock for what seemed like forever which was fine with me as I never wanted it to end.
That's when everything crashing down as he wasn't content on being the only one satisfied and pulled me off his cock only to see mine poking out from under my skirt. I knew that I was done. He saw my dick and he know knew that I wasn't a girl and that I had been lying to him. I burst into tears, I was finally getting to that next step that I was so motivated to get to and now he would never want to see me again. My fears were soon blasted away though as he pulled me in for a passionate kiss. This time I really did melt. I was little more than a rag doll after that kiss. I was shocked. He still wanted me? How? Why? I couldn't rationalize it. That's when he simply told me that he didn't mind what was on the outside as he had fallen for my personality. In that moment everything fell into place. I suddenly realized that I too had fallen for him. Everything now came into focus. I had been messing with guys and getting off on it for the past few days and it wasn't just for fun. I liked it. I liked the taste of a man on my tongue. Like it or not, these past few day had changed me. Before I could dwell on that though I was met with another surprise.

While thinking on what I had been doing this man took the initiative and picked up where he had left off. He brought me to my feet, pulled down my panties, raised my leg, and made me his woman. He made love to me for a long time that night. I had never tried anal nor had I ever wanted to, but in this moment I was at bliss. In the end I had him cum in my mouth so that I wouldn't have to clean the costume and we fell asleep in each-other's arms. The next morning I told him that I wasn't ready to tell my friends about what had happened and so we didn't see each-other much at the con.
That day though was weirder than all the previous days. I wasn't shoving my tongue down the throats of every man I saw but somehow this day stuck out as special to me for some reason. This came to a head as I strolled past the Justice League Dark booth and felt strangely drawn to it. My suspicions were not unfounded though as the person at the booth greeted me as Alex which surprised me as I hadn't shared me name with anyone other than my suiter from the night before. Weirder still the person said that they knew of my inner struggle and offered me a solution. I had no reason to believe them but I oddly did. I asked what exactly they meant and they simply said that I already knew the answer. I did know the answer, I knew exactly what they meant but how did they? Moreover, how could they do anything about it? I inevitably gave into my curiosity and agreed that I needed to feel comfortable in my own body as over the past few days I had come to feel like a passenger along for the ride. They replied with only that it was done and I would soon get what I desired.
After whatever happened at the JLD booth I felt uneasy for a while. Eventually I met up with my friends and told them that I crashed in a hotel room to explain why I wasn't at home. They believed me excuse and after a while we split up again. I managed to enjoy the day for the most part despite everything and at the end of the night I returned to my home away from home so to say. When I made it to the room it was like an aura came over me. I needed cock and I needed it right then. My new friend was happy to oblige and we went at it for god knows how long. By the end of it there was no saving the costume. It had been hit by so many loads of cum that I couldn't justify wearing it the next day and a simple run through the wash couldn't save it. I finished the night with a blowjob as I couldn't bring myself to sleep without the taste of cum in my mouth. After that we passed out and I dreamed.
This dream was quite similar to the dream I had the other night but this time being a woman was no surprise to me. It felt... natural... It felt normal... It felt like this is who I was meant to be. I dreamt of that very same costume and everything felt right. I wasn't overcome with lust this time however. I was just roaming the floor at Comic Con as a normal cosplayer and all felt right in the world. The next morning I was super groggy. I felt almost sick. I couldn't even maintain my balance and my wig was constantly in my face. As I went to pull it off though I felt a sharp tug on my scalp. It was at this moment that I realized that my wig was now brunette. Wait, what? Wait, how does a wig magically change color, and why was it stuck on my head? Moreover when I tugged on it and naturally let out a grunt why did it sound so feminine? I wasn't trying to sound like a girl. I just... did. At that point I rushed to the bathroom only to see something amazing.
I was the girl from my dreams. Not my dream girl, but rather, the girl that I became in my dreams. How was this possible? While soaking this in my eyes drifted down. First I saw my modest breasts which now occupied my chest. I analyzed every aspect of my new body only to find that yes, I had smooth skin, I had a narrow waist and wide hips, I had a beautiful face, my hair flowed in a way that excited me to no end, and my nipples felt immensely more sensitive. Most critically my dick was gone. I was left with a smooth groin and no reason to believe that I had ever had anything else. That's when I heard my phone from the other room and went to check who was texting me. When I entered that room though I was met with another surprise as the man who had made me feel like a woman was now an Adonis of a man. He was jacked and he surely had gotten an upgrade downstairs since I last saw it. His cock was mesmerizing now, I nearly lost all control and started sucking him dry right then and there, but I refrained and just checked my phone instead. I saw a text from my friends asking if I had crashed with that man again and I had to do a double take. It took a minute, but once I started thinking about it I realized that my entire life had now been rewritten as if I had always been a girl.
In the wake of my new life flooding back to me I heard another chime but this time it wasn't my phone. Curiosity got the best of me and I looked at his phone only to see a text from a girl named Allie asking when he was going to be home because she missed her, and these are her words, "Snuggle Bear."At that point I realized that whoever this was he wasn't the man that I had grown to almost love. I texted her from his phone explaining that he had cheated on her as I didn't feel right leaving her in the dark and I stole some of his clothes to leave as the costume was still very much trashed. After that I left. I went home and got changed into normal clothes, well normal now, and met my friends at the con for our last day.
We stuck together that day as I didn't want to be alone after the previous night but I made a point to visit the JLD booth again to seek some answers. Surprisingly they greeted me as Alexis, which I suppose makes sense for my new name. and asked if I was happy with the changes. I was truly happy with what had happened to me but part of me knew they also had something to do with my former lover and they confirmed that he deeply desired to be a popular kid and he turned out to be an asshole. With my questions answered I requested one more thing. They of course knew what I was going to ask so before I even finished they said "It is done Kara." After that I went on with my final day at the con and the first day of my new life.

Oh yeah, and that super realistic suit from my dreams? Well, I had to work on that myself. In the end I did just that though and upon it's completion I was ecstatic. I posted pictures online of me in the suit because I wanted to share what I had made with the world and it wasn't long before people started calling my the new Jessica Nigri. After that I made a career out of modeling and cosplaying. Though as it is my name sake now I still gravitate towards my Supergirl costume more than anything else.
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