Eversince the Great Shift landed Sam in some girl's body his life has turned upside down. At first it was hard for him to be a girl, he had no idea on how to put on make up, put on bras, and other girly things.
Bt after some time went by, he had settled into his new body and assume his new identity. Her name is now Samantha, and she still had her knowledge as a guy so she could benefit from her new body. And right now she has the best time of her life.
She picked guys from dating apps, any guys. Guys who weren't affected by the great shift, even guys that used to be a girl before th great shift. Because she knew what they want, just show them a bit of cleavage and flirt a bit with them and she got her free meal for the night. If she's feeling adventorous maybe she could even get some 'dessert' from those guys.
Dec 6, 2019
Nov 20, 2019
Like What You See?
Jake admired his new reflection in the mirror. It was bizzare that the beutiful girl he was in the mirror mimics every move that he made. It was unbelievable to him that he was now inhabiting this body.
A footssteps came cloder to jake as the man behind him asked,
"Like what you see, Mr White? Or would you prefer me to adress you as Ms White?"
"This body is amazing doc! Thanks! I love it so much. Oh and maybe you should star calling me Ms White."
"I'm glad that you liked it Miss. All the procedure are a success and also we have made your body's new ID as you requested. Josephine White, I like the name really suit your new body miss."
Jake turned to see the doctor, he let out a soft smile.
"Have my lawyer contacted you about my money?" he asked
"Yes, Mr Davis has told me that he has sorted everything out. You have adopted Josephine as your daughter and all of you inheritance is now yours."
"Wonderful.." The 70 years old billionaire turned back to the mirror admiring his new 25 years old body.
Nov 12, 2019
An Eye Opening Week
"How could you!"
"How could I what babe?"
"Don't play stupid with me, I know you're cheating on me!"
"Woah, where is this coming from, I've never cheated on anyone, certainly not you, you're the love of my life."
"Explain these then you asshole!"
My jaw hit the floor, on her phone were pictures of someone who looks exactly like me fucking her best friend.
"That's not me, I promise you. Where did you find those pictures?"
"John sent them to me. He said that he was on his way to hang out with Jess and he heard moans coming from her pool, he snuck around to see what was going on and caught you in the act you cheating pig."
"Babe, John has been tormenting me my whole life and he's been trying to break us up since we started dating, he probably photoshopped those pictures so that you'd think I was cheating."
"Just get out Alex, I'm tired of the lies!"
I was stunned, how could John go to such extremes to break us up? I left Belle to cool down in hopes she'd come to her senses. As I got in my car to leave our apartment I noticed the passenger side door open only to reveal John with his devilish smile.
"Get the Hell out of my car! I want nothing to do with you, you've possibly ruined my life you absolute piece of human waste."
"Shhhhh calm down baby, you're gonna be fine, in fact, by the end of this week I'm sure you wont even care about sweet little belle any more."
"Hmm, I expected a response to the baby comment, anyways, why don't you drive to my house, you can stay with me while you figure out your living situation."
"I'M GOING TO-" Suddenly I couldn't move, I was frozen in time and as I looked at the bastard who caused all of this he held a stone with a sickly green glow.
"Now that you've calmed down... Yes, I'm the reason your little photoshoot both happened and made its way to your lovely, now, ex-girlfriend. They are not fake though. Trust me. You really did fuck her best friend. You just, weren't the one in control. Your body did the deed though. This stone? It's magical, I used it to make you have a little fun with another woman and I snapped the photos. I'm sure you can work out the rest. Now, for why you are now going to start driving to my house... or should I say mansion. Either way, petal to the metal darling."
As quickly as I froze my body moved on its own to start up my car and begin driving, I was powerless to resist. What was happening? Magic isn't real, it can't be, then again, how can he be doing all of this if it wasn't?
"I'm sure you want answers and though it would be fun to leave you in the dark I feel I may as well tell you why I'm going to do all of this." Going to, that doesn't sound good. "The long and short of it is this. You got the girl, sure, I got every other girl and slept with all of them but you got the one I really wanted. She was the one piece of ass I truly wanted, and you took her, I'm going to make you pay for that."
I don't remember much between that moment and now. What I do know though is that things are probably going to get worse before they get better. John had been my long time bully, he strived to make every day my new worst day ever, and for the most part, he was successful. If he truly did have magic now, I'm scared of what is to come.
"Well, let's get down to business shall we Alex? Oops... that wont quite fit you anymore in a few moments." I was terrified of what was to come... and as it turns out, that's exactly how I should've felt. "Hmmm, let's see, ah, I've got it! We'll say about 5'6" My body instantly shrunk to that size. "Long, flowing red hair," my vision became obstructed. "Tits is the B range, not too big" I felt my chest expand. "Overall a more girly build with smooth skin." I could describe the feeling I had if I wanted to, it was far too... weird, like swimming in jello and being stung by wasps. "Of course, last but certainly not least, a clean shaven pussy just made to milk cocks." The sensation of my penis almost slithering inside of my body is by far the most horrifying thing I had ever felt, just thinking about if makes my skin crawl... "Now, for the good part, I am a merciful god after all, that is what I am to you now, a god, I will give you an out, At the end of this week I will grant you a wish, it can be anything so long as it doesn't negatively impact me. Do we have a deal?
"It's not like I have a choice, but I'd do anything to get her back."
"Excellent, now, for the rules, they're simple. You cannot leave this house without my express permission and you will be so grateful for me letting you leave for even 5 minutes that you'll thank me with a blowjob. Lastly, you can't act manly at all, I want you to have the full female experience, you can't even think of yourself as a man."
"You're delusional, this is ridiculous, I'll tell you right now that you wont be getting any of those thank you blowjobs, I guess that I'll be inside all week. But there's nothing you can do to enforce that second rule, I am a woman, not a man... I meant to say not a man... Fuck you. Where's my room for the week?"
"There is a guest room of course but if you ever want to, there's plenty of room in my bed."
"I'll see you in a week, when this is all over."
"Don't be so sure, I bet you'll see me much sooner. Oh yeah, and one more thing, put on some appropriate clothes, you're a woman after all."

With that I was wearing a lacy blouse and panties, both of which did excellent jobs of reminding me of my new features. One week, that's all, and I'll be back with Belle and everything will be normal again.
The first full day was remarkably uneventful, I was still me, just... female, peeing was weird but other than that nothing was all that different, so far this is seeming like it's going to be an easy week.
Day two and everything is still mostly the same but I did find myself getting horny, I didn't do anything about it though I still feel too weird when I'm naked.
Day three, oh my god how do girls do it. I'm going stir crazy, If I don't start... well... you know... soon my... It's still hard to say without shuddering... my pussy, is going to explode. Four more days, that's all, I can make it.
Day four, I couldn't help myself, I was too worked up. I masturbated, It felt so weird, so so weird, but oh my god did it feel good. It was like experiencing fireworks for the first time. I'll definitely do that again before I get back to normal.
Day five, I can't get enough, no matter how many times I cum I'm still horny. I even took a cold shower trying to calm down. The only thing I can think to do is go on a walk, take my mind off things, maybe go see Belle, even if I can't talk to her. Fuck it, I can't stay here any more.
"Back so soon huh? Did you enjoy your trip? Or were you just finding a reason to suck me off?"
Fuck, I'd hoped he wouldn't notice. I wasn't gone for that long. "I needed some fresh air, girl's gotta leave the house every once in a while y'know." I rolled my eyes as I referred to myself as a girl but I still had to face the consequences of leaving, If I break his rules he'll leave me like this forever.
"We, both know you wanted a go at my cock babe, it's fine, if I was a woman I'd never leave it alone."
I wasn't forced to move, he hadn't used the stone to make my body move on its own. I swallowed hard as I knelt down and and pulled off his pants.

As soon as I saw his cock a switch flipped in my head. I suddenly knew everything there was to know about sucking cock. I just... knew it, as if I had done this a thousand times. At least that means I can get him off quickly and be done with this awful exchange. Thirty minutes have passed and he still hasn't had an orgasm yet. I'm doing everything right he just has the stamina of god, he's not going to cum until he wants to... hopefully that's soon... About an hour and a half later he forced my head down onto his cock and he came... Directly into my mouth... I didn't know what to do, reflexively I swallowed. Oh my god I just swallowed his entire load, every drop. the way it oozed down my throat made my skin crawl. At least it was over. Two more days. That's it. Two days and I'm free.
Day six, I've had seven orgasms in the past two hours. Just as I climaxed each time I was thinking of a nice, big, juicy... er a disgusting cock. I don't want to go on another walk but at this point I don't have much of a choice, it worked last night, I wasn't horny afterwards. As I was about to leave I saw him and froze. He was watching porn and jerking off in the living room. I want to say that I ignored it and continued on or went back to my room but I didn't. I couldn't take my eyes off his cock. It looked... so so good. My panties were soaked through, my mouth was watering, my head was racing. I needed it... I inched closer to him and he noticed me.
"Ah, hey babe, enjoying the show?"
"I was just about to leave, to-to go on another walk... I'll-I'll... I'll stay actually, if you need me I'll be in my room."
Just as I turned around to walk away I froze.
"Now Alex, Alexis, Lexy, whatever you want to be called. Don't lie to me. Why are you not going on your walk?"
I tried with every fiber of my being to stay quiet, to walk back to my room and not come out until this was all over. No matter how hard I fought it though, the magic won out... "I-I just-I was going to walk because I'm unbearably horny but when I saw your cock I went blank, all I wanted in the world in that moment was to just on top of you and ride you for all your worth." My body relaxed, the weight of the world lifted off of me, the magic had done its job and it wasn't fighting me anymore to make me speak.
"Well that's all you had to say, though, I'm more of a top."
"No, I think I'll-"
"Oh no no, you're going to get what you want, I wouldn't want to let a girl down."
I felt as if I was being pulled toward him. As if the world itself was pulling me in. I couldn't stop myself, I couldn't fight it. I made my way to the couch, stripped, and bent over presenting my drenched pussy, aching to be filled.
"That's my girl!"

This is... horri-who am I kidding, this feels amazing. it's what I've been needing for the past few days, a good, hard dicking. It was so satisfying, I felt every little detail of his amazing cock, my pussy was dripping wet. I came five times in ten minutes. God, this is amazing. Girls have it good in the sex department...

He fucked me for hours, we tried every position thinkable, every one was a new level of awesome. If I had to live the rest of my life as a woman I would almost be okay with it because of the sex. I can't even comprehend how a person could experience such pleasure. I'd miss this when I was a man again.

"Plea-please tell me you didn't just do what I think you did."
"Cumming inside? Yeah... sorry, guilty as charged. I didn't know you wanted it in your mouth so much babe, I'll remember next time."
"Tha- That's not what... y'know what, whatever, I'll be back to normal tomorrow anyway, once I'm back with Belle I can forget any of this ever happened."
"If that's truly what you want. I'm going to call it a night though, it's gotten pretty late, you couldn't seem to get enough of my cock. Nighty night."
He just... left. He came inside me and then just said cya. What a prick. Whatever, I'm going to get cleaned up and sleep, I'm so exhausted... and sore.
Day seven, I haven't seen John all day. He's been locked up in his room all day while I've been trying to keep my mind off him. The day is almost over, I am so close to having my life make, just a few more-... His door just opened revealing him... totally naked... god, I'm so horny I almost want him to come force himself on me and have his way.
"So, time's almost up, is there anything you want to do for the last few hours? I know you're still horny, I can see the wet spot under you on the couch."
I crossed my legs to cover the aforementioned spot and went to respond. "I-"
"The truth please, I just hate being lied to."
Fuck, fuck, fuck, ugh, just like yesterday-I-I feel like I'm drowning. "I want another go at you babe, I need you inside me."
"Just what I wanted to hear."
He walked back into his room and I was compelled to follow, with every step my mouth watered a little more, my pussy ached with more intensity, my mind raced with everything I intended to do to him.

I started with sucking him off, I hated just how much I wanted his cock in my mouth but that didn't change anything. I worked his shaft with my mouth for a while before I could no longer ignore the emptiness in my pussy. It's just one last time right? I'm just going out with a bang.

We fucked until we fell asleep. I dreamt of a life where I stayed like this. It wasn't so bad. If I had the life from that dream as a woman it'd be hard to go back to being a man.
Day eight, I woke up before him and before my raging hormones could convince me to wake him up with a blowjob I left to my room. Ten minutes later he appeared at my door.
"Well, I did say at the end of the week, it's technically the next week now. I don't have to give you that wish, not that I think you need it anymore."
"I can't be without her." I said almost in tears.
"Ok, ok, you can have your wish but, I don't want you to lie to me."
Those words again. There was no point in fighting it. "I love being a woman. Sex is amazing, not having to deal with random boners is great, I love my hair and my skin, I love being smaller and having someone who can defend me. I love being a woman. I can't live without her though, I just can't, I love her too much." I broke down after that, there was no containing my emotions. I was so conflicted.
"I never said you had to make everything the way it was idiot. I've had my fun, I got my revenge, you paid me back for taking the one that got away. Make a damn wish so this can be over with."
I was stunned. That, was it? I couldn't process what was happening. I was frozen.
"Any day now, I've got people to screw with and well, people to screw now that I have this stone. Oh... wait.. I almost forgot."
Another switch flipped, I felt... normal..?
"I made you more of a slut each day, That's gone now. Make your wish before I change my mind."
Everything was different now, I still wanted to be a woman. Don't get me wrong. I meant every word of my confession, forced to be a slut or not. I wasn't nearly as conflicted though, I knew exactly what I wanted now.
"I wish everyone remembered me as a woman and that aside from that everything was back to the way it was."
"That's two wishes. You're damn good at giving head though so I'll let it slide for one more blowjob before I let you go."
I didn't hesitate. Cock was still very appealing to me so I had no qualms with one last hurrah. After an admittedly drawn out blowjob I was suddenly back in mine and Belle's apartment.
Belle turned to me and gave me a deep, loving kiss before talking.
"I didn't notice you come in babe, how was hanging out with John?"
"It was great... eye opening really... I almost feel like a different person."
"I hope that new person is as horny as I am. What do you say we make our way to the bedroom?" she said with a smile.
"I'd want nothing more!"
(I don't know how I feel about John. I feel like I could've written the end a bit better so it wasn't such an abrupt shift. Something felt right about it though so I'm happy with it. I'd love to know what you think of the story though. I do write for myself but I'd be lying if I said that nobody else reads them. Sooooo... give me you comments, criticisms, and well... anything you might want to see in future stories. I have enjoyed writing in this style for a while now and part of me wants to try something new. Any ideas to take me slightly out of my comfort zone would be appreciated. ^_^)
"How could I what babe?"
"Don't play stupid with me, I know you're cheating on me!"
"Woah, where is this coming from, I've never cheated on anyone, certainly not you, you're the love of my life."
"Explain these then you asshole!"
My jaw hit the floor, on her phone were pictures of someone who looks exactly like me fucking her best friend.
"That's not me, I promise you. Where did you find those pictures?"
"John sent them to me. He said that he was on his way to hang out with Jess and he heard moans coming from her pool, he snuck around to see what was going on and caught you in the act you cheating pig."
"Babe, John has been tormenting me my whole life and he's been trying to break us up since we started dating, he probably photoshopped those pictures so that you'd think I was cheating."
"Just get out Alex, I'm tired of the lies!"
I was stunned, how could John go to such extremes to break us up? I left Belle to cool down in hopes she'd come to her senses. As I got in my car to leave our apartment I noticed the passenger side door open only to reveal John with his devilish smile.
"Get the Hell out of my car! I want nothing to do with you, you've possibly ruined my life you absolute piece of human waste."
"Shhhhh calm down baby, you're gonna be fine, in fact, by the end of this week I'm sure you wont even care about sweet little belle any more."
"Hmm, I expected a response to the baby comment, anyways, why don't you drive to my house, you can stay with me while you figure out your living situation."
"I'M GOING TO-" Suddenly I couldn't move, I was frozen in time and as I looked at the bastard who caused all of this he held a stone with a sickly green glow.
"Now that you've calmed down... Yes, I'm the reason your little photoshoot both happened and made its way to your lovely, now, ex-girlfriend. They are not fake though. Trust me. You really did fuck her best friend. You just, weren't the one in control. Your body did the deed though. This stone? It's magical, I used it to make you have a little fun with another woman and I snapped the photos. I'm sure you can work out the rest. Now, for why you are now going to start driving to my house... or should I say mansion. Either way, petal to the metal darling."
As quickly as I froze my body moved on its own to start up my car and begin driving, I was powerless to resist. What was happening? Magic isn't real, it can't be, then again, how can he be doing all of this if it wasn't?
"I'm sure you want answers and though it would be fun to leave you in the dark I feel I may as well tell you why I'm going to do all of this." Going to, that doesn't sound good. "The long and short of it is this. You got the girl, sure, I got every other girl and slept with all of them but you got the one I really wanted. She was the one piece of ass I truly wanted, and you took her, I'm going to make you pay for that."
I don't remember much between that moment and now. What I do know though is that things are probably going to get worse before they get better. John had been my long time bully, he strived to make every day my new worst day ever, and for the most part, he was successful. If he truly did have magic now, I'm scared of what is to come.
"Well, let's get down to business shall we Alex? Oops... that wont quite fit you anymore in a few moments." I was terrified of what was to come... and as it turns out, that's exactly how I should've felt. "Hmmm, let's see, ah, I've got it! We'll say about 5'6" My body instantly shrunk to that size. "Long, flowing red hair," my vision became obstructed. "Tits is the B range, not too big" I felt my chest expand. "Overall a more girly build with smooth skin." I could describe the feeling I had if I wanted to, it was far too... weird, like swimming in jello and being stung by wasps. "Of course, last but certainly not least, a clean shaven pussy just made to milk cocks." The sensation of my penis almost slithering inside of my body is by far the most horrifying thing I had ever felt, just thinking about if makes my skin crawl... "Now, for the good part, I am a merciful god after all, that is what I am to you now, a god, I will give you an out, At the end of this week I will grant you a wish, it can be anything so long as it doesn't negatively impact me. Do we have a deal?
"It's not like I have a choice, but I'd do anything to get her back."
"Excellent, now, for the rules, they're simple. You cannot leave this house without my express permission and you will be so grateful for me letting you leave for even 5 minutes that you'll thank me with a blowjob. Lastly, you can't act manly at all, I want you to have the full female experience, you can't even think of yourself as a man."
"You're delusional, this is ridiculous, I'll tell you right now that you wont be getting any of those thank you blowjobs, I guess that I'll be inside all week. But there's nothing you can do to enforce that second rule, I am a woman, not a man... I meant to say not a man... Fuck you. Where's my room for the week?"
"There is a guest room of course but if you ever want to, there's plenty of room in my bed."
"I'll see you in a week, when this is all over."
"Don't be so sure, I bet you'll see me much sooner. Oh yeah, and one more thing, put on some appropriate clothes, you're a woman after all."

With that I was wearing a lacy blouse and panties, both of which did excellent jobs of reminding me of my new features. One week, that's all, and I'll be back with Belle and everything will be normal again.
The first full day was remarkably uneventful, I was still me, just... female, peeing was weird but other than that nothing was all that different, so far this is seeming like it's going to be an easy week.
Day two and everything is still mostly the same but I did find myself getting horny, I didn't do anything about it though I still feel too weird when I'm naked.
Day three, oh my god how do girls do it. I'm going stir crazy, If I don't start... well... you know... soon my... It's still hard to say without shuddering... my pussy, is going to explode. Four more days, that's all, I can make it.
Day four, I couldn't help myself, I was too worked up. I masturbated, It felt so weird, so so weird, but oh my god did it feel good. It was like experiencing fireworks for the first time. I'll definitely do that again before I get back to normal.
Day five, I can't get enough, no matter how many times I cum I'm still horny. I even took a cold shower trying to calm down. The only thing I can think to do is go on a walk, take my mind off things, maybe go see Belle, even if I can't talk to her. Fuck it, I can't stay here any more.
"Back so soon huh? Did you enjoy your trip? Or were you just finding a reason to suck me off?"
Fuck, I'd hoped he wouldn't notice. I wasn't gone for that long. "I needed some fresh air, girl's gotta leave the house every once in a while y'know." I rolled my eyes as I referred to myself as a girl but I still had to face the consequences of leaving, If I break his rules he'll leave me like this forever.
"We, both know you wanted a go at my cock babe, it's fine, if I was a woman I'd never leave it alone."
I wasn't forced to move, he hadn't used the stone to make my body move on its own. I swallowed hard as I knelt down and and pulled off his pants.
As soon as I saw his cock a switch flipped in my head. I suddenly knew everything there was to know about sucking cock. I just... knew it, as if I had done this a thousand times. At least that means I can get him off quickly and be done with this awful exchange. Thirty minutes have passed and he still hasn't had an orgasm yet. I'm doing everything right he just has the stamina of god, he's not going to cum until he wants to... hopefully that's soon... About an hour and a half later he forced my head down onto his cock and he came... Directly into my mouth... I didn't know what to do, reflexively I swallowed. Oh my god I just swallowed his entire load, every drop. the way it oozed down my throat made my skin crawl. At least it was over. Two more days. That's it. Two days and I'm free.
Day six, I've had seven orgasms in the past two hours. Just as I climaxed each time I was thinking of a nice, big, juicy... er a disgusting cock. I don't want to go on another walk but at this point I don't have much of a choice, it worked last night, I wasn't horny afterwards. As I was about to leave I saw him and froze. He was watching porn and jerking off in the living room. I want to say that I ignored it and continued on or went back to my room but I didn't. I couldn't take my eyes off his cock. It looked... so so good. My panties were soaked through, my mouth was watering, my head was racing. I needed it... I inched closer to him and he noticed me.
"Ah, hey babe, enjoying the show?"
"I was just about to leave, to-to go on another walk... I'll-I'll... I'll stay actually, if you need me I'll be in my room."
Just as I turned around to walk away I froze.
"Now Alex, Alexis, Lexy, whatever you want to be called. Don't lie to me. Why are you not going on your walk?"
I tried with every fiber of my being to stay quiet, to walk back to my room and not come out until this was all over. No matter how hard I fought it though, the magic won out... "I-I just-I was going to walk because I'm unbearably horny but when I saw your cock I went blank, all I wanted in the world in that moment was to just on top of you and ride you for all your worth." My body relaxed, the weight of the world lifted off of me, the magic had done its job and it wasn't fighting me anymore to make me speak.
"Well that's all you had to say, though, I'm more of a top."
"No, I think I'll-"
"Oh no no, you're going to get what you want, I wouldn't want to let a girl down."
I felt as if I was being pulled toward him. As if the world itself was pulling me in. I couldn't stop myself, I couldn't fight it. I made my way to the couch, stripped, and bent over presenting my drenched pussy, aching to be filled.
"That's my girl!"

This is... horri-who am I kidding, this feels amazing. it's what I've been needing for the past few days, a good, hard dicking. It was so satisfying, I felt every little detail of his amazing cock, my pussy was dripping wet. I came five times in ten minutes. God, this is amazing. Girls have it good in the sex department...
He fucked me for hours, we tried every position thinkable, every one was a new level of awesome. If I had to live the rest of my life as a woman I would almost be okay with it because of the sex. I can't even comprehend how a person could experience such pleasure. I'd miss this when I was a man again.

"Plea-please tell me you didn't just do what I think you did."
"Cumming inside? Yeah... sorry, guilty as charged. I didn't know you wanted it in your mouth so much babe, I'll remember next time."
"Tha- That's not what... y'know what, whatever, I'll be back to normal tomorrow anyway, once I'm back with Belle I can forget any of this ever happened."
"If that's truly what you want. I'm going to call it a night though, it's gotten pretty late, you couldn't seem to get enough of my cock. Nighty night."
He just... left. He came inside me and then just said cya. What a prick. Whatever, I'm going to get cleaned up and sleep, I'm so exhausted... and sore.
Day seven, I haven't seen John all day. He's been locked up in his room all day while I've been trying to keep my mind off him. The day is almost over, I am so close to having my life make, just a few more-... His door just opened revealing him... totally naked... god, I'm so horny I almost want him to come force himself on me and have his way.
"So, time's almost up, is there anything you want to do for the last few hours? I know you're still horny, I can see the wet spot under you on the couch."
I crossed my legs to cover the aforementioned spot and went to respond. "I-"
"The truth please, I just hate being lied to."
Fuck, fuck, fuck, ugh, just like yesterday-I-I feel like I'm drowning. "I want another go at you babe, I need you inside me."
"Just what I wanted to hear."
He walked back into his room and I was compelled to follow, with every step my mouth watered a little more, my pussy ached with more intensity, my mind raced with everything I intended to do to him.

I started with sucking him off, I hated just how much I wanted his cock in my mouth but that didn't change anything. I worked his shaft with my mouth for a while before I could no longer ignore the emptiness in my pussy. It's just one last time right? I'm just going out with a bang.
We fucked until we fell asleep. I dreamt of a life where I stayed like this. It wasn't so bad. If I had the life from that dream as a woman it'd be hard to go back to being a man.
Day eight, I woke up before him and before my raging hormones could convince me to wake him up with a blowjob I left to my room. Ten minutes later he appeared at my door.
"Well, I did say at the end of the week, it's technically the next week now. I don't have to give you that wish, not that I think you need it anymore."
"I can't be without her." I said almost in tears.
"Ok, ok, you can have your wish but, I don't want you to lie to me."
Those words again. There was no point in fighting it. "I love being a woman. Sex is amazing, not having to deal with random boners is great, I love my hair and my skin, I love being smaller and having someone who can defend me. I love being a woman. I can't live without her though, I just can't, I love her too much." I broke down after that, there was no containing my emotions. I was so conflicted.
"I never said you had to make everything the way it was idiot. I've had my fun, I got my revenge, you paid me back for taking the one that got away. Make a damn wish so this can be over with."
I was stunned. That, was it? I couldn't process what was happening. I was frozen.
"Any day now, I've got people to screw with and well, people to screw now that I have this stone. Oh... wait.. I almost forgot."
Another switch flipped, I felt... normal..?
"I made you more of a slut each day, That's gone now. Make your wish before I change my mind."
Everything was different now, I still wanted to be a woman. Don't get me wrong. I meant every word of my confession, forced to be a slut or not. I wasn't nearly as conflicted though, I knew exactly what I wanted now.
"I wish everyone remembered me as a woman and that aside from that everything was back to the way it was."
"That's two wishes. You're damn good at giving head though so I'll let it slide for one more blowjob before I let you go."
I didn't hesitate. Cock was still very appealing to me so I had no qualms with one last hurrah. After an admittedly drawn out blowjob I was suddenly back in mine and Belle's apartment.
Belle turned to me and gave me a deep, loving kiss before talking.
"I didn't notice you come in babe, how was hanging out with John?"
"It was great... eye opening really... I almost feel like a different person."
"I hope that new person is as horny as I am. What do you say we make our way to the bedroom?" she said with a smile.
"I'd want nothing more!"
(I don't know how I feel about John. I feel like I could've written the end a bit better so it wasn't such an abrupt shift. Something felt right about it though so I'm happy with it. I'd love to know what you think of the story though. I do write for myself but I'd be lying if I said that nobody else reads them. Sooooo... give me you comments, criticisms, and well... anything you might want to see in future stories. I have enjoyed writing in this style for a while now and part of me wants to try something new. Any ideas to take me slightly out of my comfort zone would be appreciated. ^_^)
Oct 17, 2019
Is That Really You?
I received a text from an unknown number to come to an adress. When I get there, there was a mansion on the adress, so I rang the bell. And this beautiful woman greeted me and welcome me in her living room.
"Nice house Ma'am. By the way, I got this text asking me tocome here." I asked
"Yes, Jim. Its me who sent it. I'm glad you come!" The woman said to me
"Wait, how can you know my name? I don't recall we ever met before."
"Well, we never met before actually. Not like this." The woman said and she continued "I'm sure you can't tell who am I, and so did the police."
"Police? What are you talking Ma'am?"
"It's me Robert!" She said and the burst into laughter
"Like my new skin?" she said as she cupped her breasts.
"No Way! Robert?! How can you be like... this?" I said in disbelief.
"Well, after I took the money I have to get rid of the cops. So luckily I have a friend who happen to know somebody from the underground body market. So I asked him to find me a new body that the police couldn't track. And here I am!" He explained
I stared at the beutiful woman in front of me, and thinking it was my friend Robert inside it.
"Oh Jim, see that duffle bag behind you? On the counter.. Its your cut from our robbery. Oh an if I may suggest you could find another body, just to cover our track."
"Nice house Ma'am. By the way, I got this text asking me tocome here." I asked
"Yes, Jim. Its me who sent it. I'm glad you come!" The woman said to me
"Wait, how can you know my name? I don't recall we ever met before."
"Well, we never met before actually. Not like this." The woman said and she continued "I'm sure you can't tell who am I, and so did the police."
"Police? What are you talking Ma'am?"
"It's me Robert!" She said and the burst into laughter
"Like my new skin?" she said as she cupped her breasts.
"No Way! Robert?! How can you be like... this?" I said in disbelief.
"Well, after I took the money I have to get rid of the cops. So luckily I have a friend who happen to know somebody from the underground body market. So I asked him to find me a new body that the police couldn't track. And here I am!" He explained
I stared at the beutiful woman in front of me, and thinking it was my friend Robert inside it.
"Oh Jim, see that duffle bag behind you? On the counter.. Its your cut from our robbery. Oh an if I may suggest you could find another body, just to cover our track."
Oct 9, 2019
The Break
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Oct 7, 2019
Just a Dream

"You like that don't you, you love my cock."
"Yes, yes yes yes, oh my god yes, I can't get enough of it!"
That's when I woke up. Another wet dream. What the hell is happening to me? Ok, so, since I've decided to write this out, I suppose that I should give the whole story. For the past week or so I've had a wet dream almost every night. The weirdest part of that though is that I'm a guy, a straight guy, yet, in all of these dreams, I've been a woman. Moreover, I've been kind of a slut, like, I seem to have an insatiable lust for cock. Weirdest of all, the man who without fail has been in every dream despite nothing else being a constant, is my closest friend John. It's always him, to be honest, I don't even think I could possibly see my female self with anyone else. It's as if had I been born a woman we would've been made for eachother. God, that sounds so weird, even as I say that though, I somehow know that it's true. I can't write anymore, it's way too weird and I have class.
Today was another normal day, it's so surreal going from my borderline porno dreams as of late back to normal life as if nothing is wrong. To an extent, I'm scared to go to sleep, I know that I'm going to have to live through another chapter of "How much of a slut can Alex be?" I can't afford to not sleep though, my grades would suffer too much. That's where I'll leave this little journal for the night I guess, here's hoping I don't wake up covered in cum again.

"I'm close babe, get on your knees, it's time for dessert!"
"With pleasure! You know how much I love your cum baby, I can hardly live without it."
"Well I hope you're ready because here it comes."
"Ohhhhh yeeesssssss, why do I ever let you finish anywhere else?"
Well, since I'm writing again I probably don't have to mention this but, obviously, it happened again. I mean, it wasn't exactly the same, he actually had an orgasm this time. That's new, I wish he hadn't, I can still taste him. *Sigh* I miss the feeling of having him in my mouth. God, what is happening to me? Why, why why why, why am I having these fucking dreams?! I'm skipping class today, I can't focus on anything right now.
*Knock* *Knock*
"Hey, Alex! You in there? You weren't in class and I wanted to make sure you were ok."
"Just, leave me alone, I'm busy having a crisis."
"I just want to make sure you're ok man, come on."
"I said leave!"
John just came to my door trying to check on me. I appreciated it, but, after these last couple of weeks, I'm afraid to be with him alone lest I somehow transform into the woman from my dreams and spread my legs right then and there. I'm not going to sleep, I can't, I refuse to be that person again, I wont lose myself and become that slut willingly.
"Crisis over man?"
"Yeah, I guess, I'm better today at least."
"Jesus man, did you sleep?"
"Can I just say yes and avoid you being worried?"
"Hell no! Don't make me drag you to a doctor or therapist to make you get help for your... whatever you have going on."
"I was up late watching youtube, it's nothing, I'm fine."
John is definitely getting worried, I don't blame him but it's not like I can just tell him what's happening. What, do I just call him up and say "Hey John, I've been dreaming of you. In each dream you fuck me like a slut and I love every second of it. That's why I'm having trouble sleeping." I can't do that, just imagining me saying it is convincing me that I am actually crazy. I can't keep writing this out, it just makes me think of the dreams, and, that is the absolute last thing that I want right now.

Four days, four days was how long i made it before exhaustion got the better of me. My fears were confirmed as soon as I actually did sleep though, I was that woman again. Four has more importance for this entry though. I swallowed or otherwise played with my friend's cum four times. I've been awake for hours now and I can't get the taste out of my mouth. Worse yet, I don't want to. I love the taste, I love the feeling of John's cock in my mouth while I danced my tongue around it to solicit my 'dessert.'
*Knock* *Knock*
I knew who it was, I knew what he wanted, I knew that I needed him. It's still so weird, but at this point. what option do I have?
"Hey John."
"Woah dude, you look exhausted, have you still not slept?"
"Oh, I slept, that's my problem."
"What does that even mean? What has been going on with you? Are you ok?"
"Well, here goes nothing."
I explained everything to him, every little detail, when I described his manhood I could tell that I was excruciatingly close to perfectly accurate based off his reaction alone. Just as I was about to finish catching him up, everything started to change. Small things at first. I felt like I had just gone through a mani pedi, my nails were perfect. My hair slightly changed color. Nothing drastic, but my normal brunette hair was darkening. At this point the changes were much less subtle. It was hard to tell at first but I soon knew that I had lost a few good inches of height and that my hair had grown much longer. My entire body seemed to shrink, my arms and legs narrowed slightly while my once decently sized penis withered away to something that could only generously be considered as phalic. Lastly, the big changes began. All of my body hair vanished in an instant. My chest began swelling into two modestly sized breasts while my nipples became much more sensitive. Finally, I felt as if my entire body was being resculpted in clay. My face took on a more feminine appearance, my tiny little dick pushed further back into my groin while moist lips parted just below leaving me with a tight new vagina and an incredibly sensitive clitoris. During that time, my body shape moved closer to that of an hourglass with my waist becoming narrower and my hips flaring out proudly.
"What, the, hell? Wai-wha-what just happened. That was like, magic right? I'm not crazy, right?"
"I-I don't know, I mean... you're a woman now? Wha-waaaaait wait wait wait, that dude wasn't lying?"
"What do you mean? Because right now, I'm reaallly confused."
"Ok, so, some random dude walked up to me before class one day and told me that he had a magic stone. More specifically he said that he had used it to change his friend into his slutty girlfriend and no longer needed it."
"So, you did this to me? What the hell man?"
"I-I guess, I didn't think it would do anything. I did what the guy said and wished for a beautiful girlfriend who was also my bestfriend. I guess the stone made you that girl..."
"Thank fuck, you can change me back then right? Do you still have the stone?"
"No, when nothing happened other than some cheap glowing effect I tossed it thinking that I had wasted my time."
I was a bit floored by that line. I had no way back. I was going to be a woman for the rest of my life. Would it really be all that bad though? I never disliked his cock in my dreams, in fact, I REALLY liked it. Maybe I should see if those dreams were accurate.

After we talked for a while my curiosity got the better of me and I placed my hand on his inner thigh which was a good enough sign for him to take control. When he took my virginity I couldn't help but smile, it hurt, but in a good way. After the pain subsided it was all pleasure. He wasn't fucking me, he was making love to me, he was gentle yet commanding. I was putty in his hands and every second felt like thousands. I felt right, I felt like I was who I was always meant to be. I loved this, I loved what we were doing, I loved him. Magic or not I did. It's not a perfect love story by any means, but it is ours, and that's all I needed. We made love for what felt like an eternity, sadly though, all good things must come to an end.
"I'm nearly there Alex... er, Alexis. Where do you want me to finish?"
I didn't even have to think. "My face."

As each jet of cum hit my face a little less of me cared what had happened. Whatever magic or otherwise caused me to turn into a woman did not bother me at all. I was happy, truly happy. Something I hadn't been able to say in years honestly.
"Well, was it all that you dreamt it to be?" He said failing to hold in a laugh..
I couldn't help but let out a laugh of my own before responding "Yes, yes it was."
(This one is really different to most of my recent stories. There is still, of course, the traveling stone because I just really enjoy using that particular catalyst. I hope that though it isn't in the same vein as "Life is a Game" and "The New Me" that you still enjoyed reading it. This was one of those times that I just sat down and had a lot of fun writing it. Wish I knew what to do in order to make that happen every time, but I digress. Once again, I hope you enjoyed reading my story and I hope you have a great day! ^_^)
Oct 1, 2019
A Happy Accident (for Lexy)
Heya all! I wanted to pay a tribute to Alexis, so on her request I wrote a little story to go with this photo that was stuck on her computer.
Hope you like it, Lexy. ^^
Sep 9, 2019
The New Me
"So what you're saying is that you found a glowing rock and suddenly had magic?"
"I think it's mainly the stone doing the magic but yeah, I guess so."
"So, the first thing you did with the 'magic' stone was turn me into a woman... What the hell is that about?"
"Well, I didn't mean for it to be you but I am incredibly horny."
"Well, change me back."
"Why don't you help me out here first, then I will."
What other choice did I have? If I wanted my dick back I'd have to help with his. I sat there stroking his cock for thirty minutes before he told me that he massively increased his stamina with the stone, and that I'd have to put it in a warmer place. Assuming he wasn't lying and not wanting to feel him inside a place I shouldn't have, I apprehensively wrapped my lips around his manhood. Minutes later he blew his load into my mouth. Instinctively I spit it out before demanding that he turn me back.
"What the fuck?! You better turn me back and make me a fucking millionaire after that."
"Oh calm down, if you weren't so hyper masculine I'm sure you'd love the taste."
"I'm not joking asshole."
"Fine, chill out, here."
With that I was back to normal, and when I checked my bank account I was considerably more well off. I thought after that I would never have to be in that position again, but, to my dismay, John seemed to have other plans. He did this same thing three more times over the course of the next week, each time giving me something in return. By the end of that week my crush was madly in love with me, I had a huge cock, and I could orgasm multiple times without fatiguing. I didn't want to admit it, but, I hated the experience a little less each time. It didn't stop there, every couple days I'd become a woman and each time I didn't need as compensation after. I even started getting into the blowjobs.
I had stopped even trying to give him handies, there wasn't much of a point anymore, he never came until he was in my mouth. This cycle continued for months, by the end of the second week though, I wasn't getting anything after turning back. By the end of the second month, I couldn't fuck my girlfriend without thinking of a cock. Month three and I spent more time as a woman than as a man. Soon after that I was asking to blow him instead of waiting for him to ask. I was blowing him and swallowing his cum three, four, five times a day even. I couldn't stop myself, If I didn't have my lips around his masterful cock I wasn't satisfied. That is, until he took my virginity. Knowing he still had the stone I insisted that he make himself able to orgasm multiple times so that he could thoroughly fuck my brains out. He of course had already done this, but had not told me. We had non-stop sex that day. By the end of it, I had been creampied twice and after that I had him finish in my mouth the rest of the day so that there would be less cleanup. I lost count of how many loads I had eagerly swallowed up like the slut I was. After two days of this my girlfriend came to our house trying to figure out why I wasn't responding to her texts or calls and found John filling my pussy with a sizable load of his cum.
"Why don't you clean up my cock while I explain what's going on to your girlfriend Alex."
"Gladly!" was all I said as I began savoring each drop that I was able to greedily lick off his cock.
"Belle, as you may have heard, this is Alex, your 'boyfriend'."
"He has been acting weird for a few weeks, what did you do to him?!"
"Well, I have this." John then grabbed the stone off the side table showing it to Belle.
"And what does a glowing rock have to do with anything?"
"It's not just a glowing rock, it's magical, that's why Alex is so enthralled by my cock."
"Don't get me wrong, I love Alex, but I fail to see how he... she will be satisfied with me anymore. She clearly loves cock now."
At this point I had to chime in. "I still love you Belle, I just, oh my god I love cock. It's soooooooo yummy." I had already spent for too long away from my sweet treat and immediately went back to my favorite pastime.
"See? She's a little cum slut now, she could never be happy with me now." Belle said holding back tears.
"That's where this comes in." He used the stone and I watched as my once petite, athletically built, adorable Belle grew. She gained about a foot before the rest of her body began molding into my new wet dream. Her body stayed athletically built but instead of breasts she now had pecs, her hair was much shorter, she had a chiseled jaw line, and of course and nice, big, yummy looking cock for me to play with to my heart's content.
"Thank you for making me fit his new preferences John but you still haven't told me what you did to Alex. I have to know."
"Fine, but first, Alex, why don't you go help Belle explore her new body."
I didn't even respond this time, I was too absorbed with Belle's delicious looking cock to think of anything else.
"At first, it was an accident, I didn't intend to do anything to Alex. As soon as he started sucking me off the first time I knew I couldn't be satisfied by another blowjob again. He was and as I'm sure you can tell still is an amazing cock sucker. Given his talents I couldn't let him go. So, I used the stone to make my cum addictive, just a little at first, I increased the addictiveness a bit more each time. Until eventually, he was mine, he was so obsessed with cum that he couldn't conceive how he ever lived without it. The rest was human nature."
I probably should've been pissed that John had done what he had done. I couldn't make myself mad though. Not when I still had such a yummy cock in my mouth. Soon I had Belle experiencing her first orgasm which was quickly followed by a second one confirming what I had hoped John made her like him in that regard. That's when John came up behind me and filled my ass while I continued with Belle's cock.
This instantly became my new favorite position, with my new boyfriend's cock in one end and my best friend's in the other, now, if only I had a third so I didn't have to leave out any of my very eager holes.
(Hi, I don't understand myself anymore. I enjoy writing these, I really do. I'm just so terrible at actually sitting down and writing that I never do it. When I do try to start, I can never think of anything. Even if I know exactly how I want the story to be told. I can have every story beat plotted out in my head and then just... not write, as if I can't come up with the words that I want to say. Then, there's times like this. I wrote this entire story in 2-3 hours and not once did I start feeling as if I couldn't put my thoughts down. Either way, regardless of my struggles with what I can only assume is writer's block, I hope you enjoyed the story. >_<)
"I think it's mainly the stone doing the magic but yeah, I guess so."
"So, the first thing you did with the 'magic' stone was turn me into a woman... What the hell is that about?"
"Well, I didn't mean for it to be you but I am incredibly horny."
"Well, change me back."
"Why don't you help me out here first, then I will."
What other choice did I have? If I wanted my dick back I'd have to help with his. I sat there stroking his cock for thirty minutes before he told me that he massively increased his stamina with the stone, and that I'd have to put it in a warmer place. Assuming he wasn't lying and not wanting to feel him inside a place I shouldn't have, I apprehensively wrapped my lips around his manhood. Minutes later he blew his load into my mouth. Instinctively I spit it out before demanding that he turn me back.

"What the fuck?! You better turn me back and make me a fucking millionaire after that."
"Oh calm down, if you weren't so hyper masculine I'm sure you'd love the taste."
"I'm not joking asshole."
"Fine, chill out, here."
With that I was back to normal, and when I checked my bank account I was considerably more well off. I thought after that I would never have to be in that position again, but, to my dismay, John seemed to have other plans. He did this same thing three more times over the course of the next week, each time giving me something in return. By the end of that week my crush was madly in love with me, I had a huge cock, and I could orgasm multiple times without fatiguing. I didn't want to admit it, but, I hated the experience a little less each time. It didn't stop there, every couple days I'd become a woman and each time I didn't need as compensation after. I even started getting into the blowjobs.

I had stopped even trying to give him handies, there wasn't much of a point anymore, he never came until he was in my mouth. This cycle continued for months, by the end of the second week though, I wasn't getting anything after turning back. By the end of the second month, I couldn't fuck my girlfriend without thinking of a cock. Month three and I spent more time as a woman than as a man. Soon after that I was asking to blow him instead of waiting for him to ask. I was blowing him and swallowing his cum three, four, five times a day even. I couldn't stop myself, If I didn't have my lips around his masterful cock I wasn't satisfied. That is, until he took my virginity. Knowing he still had the stone I insisted that he make himself able to orgasm multiple times so that he could thoroughly fuck my brains out. He of course had already done this, but had not told me. We had non-stop sex that day. By the end of it, I had been creampied twice and after that I had him finish in my mouth the rest of the day so that there would be less cleanup. I lost count of how many loads I had eagerly swallowed up like the slut I was. After two days of this my girlfriend came to our house trying to figure out why I wasn't responding to her texts or calls and found John filling my pussy with a sizable load of his cum.
"Why don't you clean up my cock while I explain what's going on to your girlfriend Alex."
"Gladly!" was all I said as I began savoring each drop that I was able to greedily lick off his cock.

"Belle, as you may have heard, this is Alex, your 'boyfriend'."
"He has been acting weird for a few weeks, what did you do to him?!"
"Well, I have this." John then grabbed the stone off the side table showing it to Belle.
"And what does a glowing rock have to do with anything?"
"It's not just a glowing rock, it's magical, that's why Alex is so enthralled by my cock."
"Don't get me wrong, I love Alex, but I fail to see how he... she will be satisfied with me anymore. She clearly loves cock now."
At this point I had to chime in. "I still love you Belle, I just, oh my god I love cock. It's soooooooo yummy." I had already spent for too long away from my sweet treat and immediately went back to my favorite pastime.
"See? She's a little cum slut now, she could never be happy with me now." Belle said holding back tears.
"That's where this comes in." He used the stone and I watched as my once petite, athletically built, adorable Belle grew. She gained about a foot before the rest of her body began molding into my new wet dream. Her body stayed athletically built but instead of breasts she now had pecs, her hair was much shorter, she had a chiseled jaw line, and of course and nice, big, yummy looking cock for me to play with to my heart's content.
"Thank you for making me fit his new preferences John but you still haven't told me what you did to Alex. I have to know."
"Fine, but first, Alex, why don't you go help Belle explore her new body."
I didn't even respond this time, I was too absorbed with Belle's delicious looking cock to think of anything else.
"At first, it was an accident, I didn't intend to do anything to Alex. As soon as he started sucking me off the first time I knew I couldn't be satisfied by another blowjob again. He was and as I'm sure you can tell still is an amazing cock sucker. Given his talents I couldn't let him go. So, I used the stone to make my cum addictive, just a little at first, I increased the addictiveness a bit more each time. Until eventually, he was mine, he was so obsessed with cum that he couldn't conceive how he ever lived without it. The rest was human nature."
I probably should've been pissed that John had done what he had done. I couldn't make myself mad though. Not when I still had such a yummy cock in my mouth. Soon I had Belle experiencing her first orgasm which was quickly followed by a second one confirming what I had hoped John made her like him in that regard. That's when John came up behind me and filled my ass while I continued with Belle's cock.

This instantly became my new favorite position, with my new boyfriend's cock in one end and my best friend's in the other, now, if only I had a third so I didn't have to leave out any of my very eager holes.
(Hi, I don't understand myself anymore. I enjoy writing these, I really do. I'm just so terrible at actually sitting down and writing that I never do it. When I do try to start, I can never think of anything. Even if I know exactly how I want the story to be told. I can have every story beat plotted out in my head and then just... not write, as if I can't come up with the words that I want to say. Then, there's times like this. I wrote this entire story in 2-3 hours and not once did I start feeling as if I couldn't put my thoughts down. Either way, regardless of my struggles with what I can only assume is writer's block, I hope you enjoyed the story. >_<)
Aug 25, 2019
Understand My Girlfriend
When I wished to the genie I want to understand my girlfriend better, I didn't mean to turn me into her twin. I only get one wish and the genie lamp was nowhere to be found.
How am I suppose to explain to my girlfriend that I turned into her twin?
"I can't believe it worked!" Kevin squeks in Amanda's voice. Looking down at Amanda's body thats now his.
After putting himself in the necklace with the help of a witch, Kevin was hoping that Amanda will wear the necklae and let him possess her body and his plan finally works.
The downfall is, he need to keep the necklace on her at all time, becuse the second the necklace was removed from Amanda's body, Kevin will return to be locked inside the necklace until the next perseon put it on.
After putting himself in the necklace with the help of a witch, Kevin was hoping that Amanda will wear the necklae and let him possess her body and his plan finally works.
The downfall is, he need to keep the necklace on her at all time, becuse the second the necklace was removed from Amanda's body, Kevin will return to be locked inside the necklace until the next perseon put it on.
Aug 21, 2019
Holy Crap!
I knew it was cold out there but I always thought the expression "freezing my balls off was just that, an expression.
More importantly, I certainly don't remember any old sayings about growing tits and a pussy to replace them!
Jul 20, 2019
The Importance of Setting Goals
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Jul 18, 2019
"Ugh! What is it for having a hot body like this but alcohol tastes like shit to her!" Jack exclaimed as he spits out his drink
"I still can't believe it man... That hot chick agrees to swap with you. Damn you're hot!" Mike teased
"But please man, you're in a girl's body... plase at least act as a girl.. be classy!" Mike said reminding Jack spreaded legs.
"oops.. sorry, old habbit.." Jack said in a girlish tone continued with a sweet giggle.
Mike took the martini glass off Jack's dainty finger, then he pulled down his pants revealing his erected cock. Jack was shocked at the sight, but it was somehow also turned him on.
"Whoah be classy big guy... You don't just pulled down your pants in front of a lady..." Jack said, as he rolled his eyes away.
"Haha... but I'm pretty sure 'the lady' also curious to find out how cock tastes like, right?"
Jack bit his lips, the way Mike was teasing him was making him hornier. Mike saw Jack bit his lips, and he slowly pushing his cock to Jack's mouth which he accepted.
Jack began sucking Mike's cock, and to his surprise he actually enjoy doing it.
"That chich might don't like the taste of martini, but I bet you she'll go crazy over the taste of cum!" Mike said as he enjoy the great pleasure.
"I still can't believe it man... That hot chick agrees to swap with you. Damn you're hot!" Mike teased
"But please man, you're in a girl's body... plase at least act as a girl.. be classy!" Mike said reminding Jack spreaded legs.
"oops.. sorry, old habbit.." Jack said in a girlish tone continued with a sweet giggle.
Mike took the martini glass off Jack's dainty finger, then he pulled down his pants revealing his erected cock. Jack was shocked at the sight, but it was somehow also turned him on.
"Whoah be classy big guy... You don't just pulled down your pants in front of a lady..." Jack said, as he rolled his eyes away.
"Haha... but I'm pretty sure 'the lady' also curious to find out how cock tastes like, right?"
Jack bit his lips, the way Mike was teasing him was making him hornier. Mike saw Jack bit his lips, and he slowly pushing his cock to Jack's mouth which he accepted.
Jack began sucking Mike's cock, and to his surprise he actually enjoy doing it.
"That chich might don't like the taste of martini, but I bet you she'll go crazy over the taste of cum!" Mike said as he enjoy the great pleasure.
Jul 7, 2019
Costume Gun
While they were discussing what kinda of gun it is, James accidentally pulledthe trigger, and it shot a beam to Alyssa's body, instantly deflated her body, leaving only her skin on the ground.
James eager to find out, lift up the skin and notice it had an opening at the back, he slid his body inside and its slowly adapt to James's body, making him not standing tall as the 25 years old Alyssa. All complete with her female feature.
Now James sitting down at Alyssa's bed trying to figure out how to get outfrom her skin, or should he just enjoy being in it,
Jun 23, 2019
Awoken (An Image Trade with Karen)

This is the first time I've seen clearly in a long time. Someone I used to call a friend or even a brother did this to me. I was your average teenage guy before all of this. Now? Now I'm little more than a slave. I haven't even had so much as one instance of free will. Before this I was 18, now I'm 23, I have spent five years of my life not even as the correct gender. The worst part of all though is that I'm still not in control. I haven't escaped his clutches yet. Even now, he's here. All I can do for now is act as if I don't know. Is my fake smile believable enough?
It has been a month since I woke up from my haze, with each day it becomes harder to remember who I was. With that in mind I've decided to chronicle my experiences as a woman, after all, it's all I have now. So, here goes nothing, or I guess, everything.
Five years ago I was turned into my so called friend's dream girl, to this day I'm not sure why or how he changed me. Over these past few years I have done things that I never would have dreamed of doing. Some were good, like the dates he used to take me on where he treated me like a woman. Some were bad, in this category lies all the times I'm been little more than a sex doll to be used by him. However, I cannot bring myself to hate these past years, it's as if I don't have the capacity to do so. To a degree, I enjoyed it. Every time he forced me to my knees or onto my back I should have felt disgusted or at least looking back now I should. I don't though, The pleasure I felt is so much that I cannot hate him, or what he's done.
Just as I finished writing this section he entered our room where I had been hiding away.
"It's good to finally see you again"
"What could you possibly mean? You saw me this morning silly."
"Yes, I did, I wasn't sure it was you though. Now I am. There's no use in continuing this charade."
"What gave me away?"
"Little things, for a month or so you hesitate on things that before she had no problem doing."
"Well, I'm sure you know exactly what I'm going to ask you."
"Of course, and I do have an answer."
"I sure hope it's a good one. I'm not sure you can explain this away."
He explained to me that five years ago he found that I wrote and read TG captions. Seeing that he thought that turning me into a woman would be a dream come true. He admitted that he was wrong seeing as it took so long for me to awaken. Apparently whatever he did (He tried explaining it but all I got was something about a magic rock) was made to replace me with my female form until my male side had accepted that I was a woman now. In theory, I should've awoken after only a few days. He apologized profusely claiming that he did really intend to help me. He then left me to think things through after explaining that he did not believe I could ever change back.
I was so mad, so immensely mad. Not at him though. I was mad at myself for being so careless as to have my little hobby discovered. The truth is, I had grown to love him, I've had many opportunities over this past month to leave but I didn't. At first I believed that I was not in control, but that was wrong, I was always in control. I didn't want to leave, not truly. With that in mind I stopped transcribing by little torture journal and I went to the man who had taken so much from me, but had also managed to give me so much more.
Jun 16, 2019
May 20, 2019
A Nerd Can Dream
I loved Comic-con. I have loved it for a long time. Seeing all the people in costumes or just having a good time with friends or family... It was something to behold. Especially the cosplayers. There was just something about the dedication required to hand craft a costume and perfect a personality. It was astounding. I envied them, truly. With every part of me I envied them. The art of the performance. It was all just so beautiful to me. Truthfully though, what really got to me were the female cosplayers. Not for the reason you might think. Don't get me wrong, I admired their beauty, but that's not what did it for me. You see, I was a crossdresser. I wasn't transgender, no, but I loved the female form. I envied it. I wanted to be like them. Not because I felt like I was meant to be a woman, but because it felt good when I was one. Well, when I looked like one.
When I say looked like one I really meant it. I had all but perfected makeup and I kept my hair long. Luckily, I also had a fairly effeminate frame. All of that together meant that I could pass for a girl with relative ease. A fairly attractive one at that. Though, I had never been able to combine my envy with my passion. That was going to change. More than anything else I wanted to know that feeling. I wanted to feel the gratification of being at a con in full costume performing for everyone. That's why after last year's con I immediately started working on a Fiora cosplay. She was a great character from one of my favorite games League and her full suit of armor made it easier to hide my true features. Additionally I could add some cleavage and if I played my cards right with some clever stuffing there'd be no way anyone could find me out unless I wanted them to. As such, I started working.
I spent the next year painstakingly crafting my costume. From the cape to the armor I spared no detail. In the end I had made something far better than I had even thought I could. It was incredible, I had done the very thing that I had spent years admiring. Well, part of it at least. Once completing the costume I endeavored to perfect Fiora's mannerisms and accent. Eventually, I got myself up to a standard that I was proud of and all that was left was to actually go to the con.

With the costume on in addition to a stuffed chest piece you'd be hard pressed to see through my deception. Though, it wasn't enough. After a fun filled few hours I encountered someone I knew, John. It was so odd. He wasn't really into cons but for some reason he was there and to my horror he recognized me. To this day I can't tell you how, but, in the end, that's not what's important about this meeting.
"I always knew you had a secret hobby Alex."
I tried my best to play it off but he saw right through me. "I don't know what you're talking about, who's Alex?"
"Cut the shit. I know it's you. Don't worry though, I'm here to help."
I had no idea what that meant but I could've sworn I saw his eyes glow and I felt like he stared directly into my soul. After that he just left. I spent the rest of that day feeling sick. It got so bad that I had to leave early to go back to my hotel room as to not deposit my lunch onto my costume. I threw up 4 times in as any hours and I started getting really upset thinking that I'd have to sit out the rest of the con. Eventually, I just laid down hoping that I'd be better by morning. I didn't get much sleep that night. My body felt like it was on fire, and every 30 minutes it would feel like someone was molding my flesh like clay. I was in immense pain until about 3 AM when suddenly it all stopped. I went from the worst pain I'd ever felt to perfectly fine within an instant. I took my opportunity at that point and fell asleep soon after.
The next morning I woke up a bit groggy with the sheets feeling wet. I quickly got up and nearly fell over in the process. Everything felt different. I felt... softer... daintier. I felt more feminine. It even felt like... Before I could finish my thought I reached up to my chest and cupped what seemed to be breasts. What the hell? I made my way to the bathroom and was met with the biggest shock of my life. I was... a woman? How..? Just as soon as I asked the question I knew the answer. It was him. John. What had he done? That's when I heard a knock and then a voice from my hotel door.
"Alexis, come let me in."
I didn't know what else to do honestly. I needed answers and leaving him out in the hallway wasn't going to get me those.
"Ah, there you are. You're welcome by the way."
"What... how... why..."
"Shhhhhh, now's not the time for questions, now's the time for you to get acquainted with your new body."
I saw his eyes glow again and in that moment I lost control. My hand moved on its own and began rubbing my newly acquired clit before plunging a couple fingers into my delicate sex.
"You certainly turned out nice, that's thanks to you though of course. I based your new form off your costume. Good job on that by the way."
Every time I began to ask a question I couldn't. All I could do was softly moan as my hand pleasured me in ways that I'd never dreamed off.
"I have to say that I prefer this to the old you. Before you were hardly a man and, though, I could have fixed that by making you more masculine it was clear that you'd enjoy this more."
"This feels so weird." Wait, why did that come out? Was I just not allowed to ask questions?
"I bet it does. Though, I'm sure you'll get used to it."
"I've been crossdressing for a long time but I never wanted to be a girl."
"Oh my sweet Alexis, I'm sure you know that's not true. Here, I'll prove it"
Once again his eyes glowed but this time, nothing happened.
"Now, as you can see, you're still very much a woman."
And? Oh right, no questions.
"Well, I suppose I'll answer your question this time. I looked into you and made you into the person you feel you truly are... I'm sure you can piece together the rest from there."
Surely he was lying. I knew myself. I knew that I didn't want to be a woman. I knew that I wanted to suck his cock and fuck him for hours. Uhm... What? What had I... He must have messed with my head to make me think like that.
"Really? You think I'm that sadistic? I thought we were friends."
"You turned me into a girl somehow and now you're making me masturbate like a cam girl for you... Yeah, I'd say you're a little sadistic."
"You have a point there. I should just let you do what you want to do."
His eyes glowed again and this time I knew exactly what he had done. My arm stopped working my pussy and I felt my mouth watering as he pulled his shorts down.
"Go ahead, have it your way."
I couldn't help myself. I didn't lose control like I had before, but, there was nothing I could do to stop myself. I slowly crawled over to John before hesitantly taking his cock into my mouth. Try as I might I couldn't hate that feeling. I had another man's cock in my mouth and I couldn't so much as feel disgusted. I let my body do what it wanted. I found myself playing with that cock for a long time. Somewhere along the line I started enjoying it. I truly started to enjoy not only the taste but the feeling of having his sex glide through my lips and over my tongue. Absentmindedly, I began to play with my womanhood again and felt something inside me slowly building. Before too long soft moans began escaping despite the cock occupying my mouth.
I froze. I didn't even look at him, not that I could, though I didn't see it I'm sure he used his power, it was the only explanation as to why I couldn't so much as blink right now.
"You were enjoying that weren't you? Oh yeah, you can move now but, no touching yourself, we'll get to that shortly."
"What the hell do you want from me?"
"Hmmm, it's a good question for sure, I'd ask the same if I was in your situation. I'm not terribly sure that you'll like the answer though."
"I assure you that after being forced to suck you off I want answers."
"You asked for it. Well, my dear Alexis, what I want from you is simple. I want you to stop lying to yourself."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"I want you to accept that I'm just here to help you accept who you truly are. For instance, I just let you have your way with my cock, something that you desperately wanted."
"You're an asshole! You made me do that just like you made me finger myself!"
He sighed heavily. "Oh Alexis, we have a long way to go don't we? How about this, I'll let you prove it to yourself. First things first, though, I loved your costume, I feel that had you been who you were truly meant to be you'd have chosen something a little different."
I watched as his eyes glowed and felt him dress me in his mind.
"Go ahead, admire your creation. I made it based on the ideas rushing through that beautiful head of yours."

I stared into the mirror in horror. He could see my thoughts. That was clear to me now. I took in every inch of the costume that I now wore and examined it carefully. Every single detail. I had thought of them. I was wearing what I could only describe as a grown up version of Annie from League. It was the very thing that I wanted to make but knew I could never pull off believably.
"Now that you've got what you really wanted to wear, go to the con. Experience that which you have craved for so long. I'll wait here."
I did as he told me and left my hotel, not that I had much of a choice. I roamed the convention center aimlessly for a while before I decided that I'd better at least make the best of my awful situation. After that I started opening up. I put on the best damn performance I could muster given I had no practice. I skipped around and did my best to emulate the voice of an older Annie. I knew the lines as she was my favorite character so that wasn't a problem. I hit a stride after about 10 minutes and I stopped worrying about what had happened to me. That day, as Annie, as a woman, was the best of my life. I felt good, great even. Not even John could take away that day from me, then again, he was the one who gave it to me. Once everything started wrapping up for the day I began dreading the night I had ahead of me. I wanted to run, I really did. Sure I'd probably be stuck as a woman but, did I really care? Was that any worse than what John had in store for me? I felt compelled to return though, no doubt this was his doing, but, in the end, that didn't matter.
"Welcome back! How was your day? Oh, don't tell me, let me guess."
His eyes once again glowed and I waited for whatever he was doing to take effect.
"Oh, Alexis, don't worry, I'm just seeing your day. That's all for now, unless you want me to do something else that is."
"Can we just end this? If you change me back now I wont even be mad at you."
He sighed once again. "Alexis, what did I tell you? I just want you to be who you were mean to be."
"My name is Alex, not Alexis! I'm a man! All you're doing is making me your little plaything!"
"Looks like I'll have to resort to more drastic measures."
He eyes glowed once more and I felt as if I had been hit my a truck. I could hardly think but once I gathered myself I knew something was off.
"Now, I'm sure you're wondering why you feel like there is a horrible emptiness within you. Well, that's simple. I made you horny... really horny."
I couldn't believe him. Not because it didn't seem true but because I wasn't craving a woman. I wanted a man. I needed to be filled. He must have made me gay... or I guess... straight? Either way something was not right.
"What are we going to do here Alexis?"
"Nothing, you're just trying to turn me into your little slut. I don't like you, I don't like men, and I certainly don't like cock."
"Oh Alexis, I made no changes to your psyche. I simply made you horny."
I couldn't think straight. I needed to be taken. I needed him to take me. That is all I wanted. I wanted him to have his way with me.
"Fuck me."
"What was that? I must've misheard you."
"Fuck. Me."
"Y'know, it sounds like you want me to have sex with you. Is that what you're asking me to do?"
"No, I want to hear you say it."
"John, I want to have sex with you,"
"Atta girl."
His eyes glowed and I was suddenly on the bed, completely naked, with his cock ready to impale me.
"Now, just to make things..."
"Oh my god! Just make a woman out of me already!"

It was unreal just how good his cock made me feel. It was like nothing else I had ever experienced. After a while I didn't really want to be a man again, I never wanted that feeling to end, and if that meant living the rest of my life as this beautiful woman I was more than willing to make that trade.
"I told you this is who you were meant to be."

I couldn't even respond, I was too absorbed in my pleasure. Maybe he was right though. Maybe I was meant to be this way. Either way, I was pretty certain that I never wanted to go back. He knew this of course and once he was just about ready to pop he stopped pistoning in and out of me and brought his beautiful cock up to my face where I eagerly finished him off.
"Well, now that you're convinced, I'll leave you to it. I've changed your whole wardrobe and made it so all of your previous costumes fit your new form. Enjoy the rest of the con."
"What? You're leaving? Why? I thought this was all about getting me to fall for you or something."
"Not at all, like I said, I just wanted you to see who you truly are"
And with that, he left. I didn't really know how to feel to be completely honest but I did know that this was going to be my best experience at a con by far.
(It has been a while. But, here it is. I finally got to writing and finished a story that I started months ago. I was beginning to think I never would, but, here it is. I really liked the idea for this one in my head, and I'm glad I was finally able to finish it.
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