"Well Andrea, it was a lovely date. Do we have to plan another one?" Tom asked with a smile. "Mmmmh, sorry but, i think it wouldn't be such a good idea. You are nice and all but i don't think we match so well" Tell Andrea, making Tom's smile fading. He didn't tried too much to keep her at the terrace table. He always hate when things was getting too awkward. But, as he saw the girl walking over, waving her hand with an awkward smile, he knew what was that ultimate rejection would mean for him.

But sadly it didn't pay up. With that fifth rejection, the ap rang, telling him he was claimed. His body began to reshape a long as his clothes. He slimed down and, as his pants becoming a white dress, it revealed his now long and slim legs. Two high heels formed in place of his old shoes. His arms and hands became also long and thin and two mound of flesh grew on his chest pushing the top of his dress from beneath. Finally, his face reformed into soft features, full lips and almond eyes, making a perfect asian face. Long locks of hair fell on his shoulder and back and Tom was now a very attractive asian woman.
The ap rang again, telling him the phase 1 of the process was over. The second phase was about to start and Tom could see the profile pics of his new date. The face of the guy he had become the perfect girl. Ironically, Tom knew the guy. It was a Karl, the friend who have advised him to use the ap but not freely. He would definitely should have listen to him. A smile formed on his face, thinking of the situation and how Karl would never know who was his new perfect girl before. And then, his mind was wipped out to make place to the new persona needed to create the perfect girl for Tom's new match.
Tom was no more. In his place, only Victoria remain. Ready to meet her new date, full of hope he was the right man for her.
Later that night, Andrea had some remorses to have declined Tom's invitation for a new date. She reached her phone to message him but only find Victoria"s profile where once Tom's one was. At the same moment, the guy she have previously dated was in bed, moaning in ecstasy as she was taken by the man who was probably the man of her life.
I think it's a quick way to find a partner n///n
ReplyDeleteshe also looks very beautiful in her new body